72. No Way Out

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Her eyes flutter open.

She's can't focus clearly, everything is blurry. A hand reaches for her and helps her get up.

She gets up from the floor and takes a seat on the couch next to whosever had helped her.

She waits for her eyes to adjust before speaking, "So you're lostsouls?"

She looks at Sasuke. She can't believe that he was Izuna and the lost little boy.

He nods.

"Why?" she asks.

"You know why."

"That's right. You wanted a second chance."

"A second chance at what?" she asks him.

"You're a killer. Why do you deserve a second chance?" she thinks.

"Life," he says, "changing places, making my place in Hell a little better."

"What do you mean?"

"I was damned to the worst part of Hell and by playing this game, I could change my fate. Make it better, maybe worse."

"But why kill?"

"'Cause there's no way out of this game, you can't play this game without killing," he sighs, "even if I chose not to play it I'd be forced to and besides Shikamaru and Choji are still alive and here even after death."

"But Gaara and Sai aren't."

"That's because they are in Hell. They committed crimes that landed them in Hell," he then whispers, "there's no way out of this damn game."

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