Our Differences Make Us One

Start from the beginning

Henley picked his suit out yesterday.


"What was wrong with Quinn? She would've been a fine girl to carry on our rule after we've gone."

"Father, she just wasn't the one," Blaine tells his dad.

The king of the Western Kingdom, his father, rubs his hands together. He says, "What a shame. But I think Santana would be a perfect girl for you. Just you wait."

Santana is indeed not a perfect girl for him. At least she spends more time casually insulting him than trying to smear lipstick on his face.

Blaine decides he's had enough. He can't possibly agree to marry Santana, or any other woman the king sets him up with. After she's left the castle he goes straight to his dad's private study.

He doesn't even bother to knock on the door but barges right in, finding his dad at a handmade wooden desk writing on what looks like a form. "Son, what is wrong with you? Have you lost your manners!"

"I need to talk with you. Is Mother nearby?"

"No," Harry Anderson replies. "Just tell me what you need to say."

Blaine curses under his breath; having his mother around would make this so much easier. "None of those women are right for me. You can stop trying to make me marry one of them as I don't want to."

"Are you crazy? You might become King one d-" he starts.

"What if I want to marry a man?"

"Excuse me?"

"What if I want to marry a man," Blaine repeats, more confident this time.

"If you want to marry a man then you will do so outside of the Anderson castle. We will not allow this in a well respected place. Leave now. Come back in a few days with some sense in that thick head of yours."

He imagined this experience to be a lot more traumatising but it was strangely freeing. He'd just been kicked out for several days but he knew he wouldn't come back thinking any different.

So he just leaves the study. The next hour is spent packing a small suitcase and getting his horse, Coal, ready.

The knowledge that his father doesn't accept him kicks in only as Coal starts moving.

On the way to no place in particular, Blaine finds himself thinking a lot. Through all of the thinking he misses his bag being nabbed right from next to him as he's taking a break. Blaine doesn't even notice until he wants to take out a carrot he wrapped up for Coal. He sighs, this may be more dangerous than he thought if he can't even hold onto his possessions. Years stuck in a castle did not get him ready for the outside world.

Eventually, he's forced to sell his grey horse to a shady looking person just so he can afford something to eat. When he tells his brothers and sister of this, they'll laugh at him for being so lame. Losing Coal effects him more emotionally than it does practically and he wishes not for the first time he had a partner to love and share his pain with.


Stealing has never been Kurt's forte. Stealing is for those who feel no guilt and he feels guilty every damn time. It's no different now as he's snagging several pieces of fruit from a small market-like stand. The owner turns her back for just a couple seconds but it's long enough. He's turning around with the fruit safely hidden in his hands when he makes eye contact with a man approaching the same stand.

Frightened, he breaks eye contact first and hurries out of there as fast as humanly possible.

The other man raises an eyebrow and walks quickly up to the stand, buying some bread and dropping down several extra coins. He's running after the man who just escaped and is very shocked when he finds him cowering on the ground next to a wall.

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