13. Young Wuv (Very Young Lukesse)

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A/N Jesse and Lukas are 1 3/4 years old. Misspellings are for comedic effect.


Mommy came over to my cwib and knelt down to tickle my nose, I was vewy tickwish so I waughed vewy woudwy.

"My little boy is so cute... my little baby Lukas..." said Mommy, stwoking my bwonde hair. I wuv Mommy vewy much, Daddy says I came out of her, I do not know what he means.

"I- I wuv you Mommy!" I excitedwy excwaimed, gwabbing her vewy big hand wiv my vewy small hands. Mommy waughed and put a tiny kissy on my forehead.

"I love you too my baby," Mommy gave me a little toy and I thwew it awound, but it hit my eye and now I was cwying, but Mommy picked me up and bopped me up and down which made me waugh and smile. "There, much better." She lay me down in the cwib again and the spinny thing with hewicopters and pwanes was now moving, I twied to grab them but they were too high.

"Wook Mommy! Pwane! Pwane!" Mommy waughed vewy hard.

"Wow look at it fly so high!" Mommy picked me up again and wubbed our noses together. "Come on, let's go see Daddy downstairs."

"Oh, okay Mommy!" I was still vewy tired so as Mommy cawwied me downstairs, I laid my head on her shoulder. Daddy was downstairs talking to out new neighbours who moved in to the house next to us last week. "Hi Daddy!" Daddy turned around and smiled vewy happily.

"Hey it's my little champ! How are you my little man?" I was confused on why he called me little man.

"Daddy, I'm just a boy," Daddy laughed and wuffled my hair, then Mommy let me sit down on the vewy comfy bwack sofa. I was sitting next to Daddy and a vewy pwetty girl. She was vewy cute and little, like me. She had nice bwack hair and her eyes were gween, she wore a red t-shirt and blue overalls and a yellow hairclip. She looked at me and bwushed.

"Uh, hewwo," she said, waving at me.

"Hewwo, I'm Lukas!" Mommy taught me how to say my name cowwectwy. The girl smiled.

"Wukas is a vewy cute name. I'm Jesse." Esse? That is a vewy vewy cute name for a vewy cute girl like herself.

"I like that, Esse," she waughed when I said her name wrong, and I bwushed. "I mean, J-J-"

"Tee hee hee. Come on Wukas, it is not vewy hard!" Esse waughed at me and I bwushed again. Daddy twied to help me.

"Son, it's pronounced Jess- E. Not hard,"

"Je- Jes- ugh!" I got vewy annoyed when I can't say it cowwectwy. Esse was giggling at me, she is vewy cute when she waughs but it is vewy annoying.

"Ah, little Lukas bonding with my Jesse I see?" I saw another man sit next to Esse, I think he is her Daddy. "What's that sweetie? You want me to say it? Are you sure? Okay."

"Son, her Daddy has something to say to you," Daddy said.


"Jesse wanted me to tell you that- what did you want to say again? Ahh, okay. She wants me to say that she thinks you are very cute and she likes you." I bwushed too much, Esse bwushed as well.

"You l-like me Esse?"

"Um, um, yes I like you Wukas. I think you are vewy cute." Wemember I said she was vewy cute as well, okay?

"Aw that's so nice of you!" Daddy said, "You wanna say something to her, champ?"

"Daddy, my name is Lukas, not champ." Esse, her Daddy, and my Daddy, started waughing. I was getting vewy iwwitated but they stopped and I felt better.

Minecraft Story Mode: One-Shots (Jetra/Lukesse Edition)Where stories live. Discover now