Saved By The Outlaws

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Authors note: Before I begin, I know I said I wouldn't post this until after my exams, and after Taking A Trip With An Outlaw got to 10,000 reads, but I have had a few people ask about any more works that I had done. And well, here it is...  There is no other book from this one based on the Grange's, but I liked the idea about just finishing off their story a little bit to see where it would take me. and to do so, I didn't want to write about the same characters getting into trouble, instead I settled for the next generation!
I'm hoping this will be better than the first book from the 'mini' Grange series, although I'm thinking of doing a book in Granger's perspective before Liam was born. Let me know what you think about that.

As for anybody new reading this... HELLO! You don't really have to have read the first book: Taking A Trip With An Outlaw, but it may help a little with some of the details and background information in this one. It may also help you understand a little of what is going on in this story line.

Anyway... I'll let you all get on and have a read, but please don't forget to vote, comment and have a look at the first book if you haven't already done so. I haven't had a chance to edit any of this a second time round or the first book. But that's what the summer is for!

Sorry for rambling: Go enjoy the prologue! 


"Ma! Tell Lils to get her behind back inside before I rip her hillbilly lover from her an throw him from our property!" Isaac yelled as he hung halfway out of his bedroom window

Lily looked up at her 6ft brother with his dark brown eyes piercing into her blue ones.

"Ma! You tell Isaac to stop being the good for nothing pervert he is and to stop spyin' on me an Thomas!"

Lily grinned as she looked towards the doorway expecting to see their mother to storm out demanding peace between the siblings, only her smile dropped when she saw her father leaning against the door-frame with a scowl on his face.

"Lily, come inside, we're going to visit your grandpa's grave today. And if Thomas here thinks he's old enough to date you then he's old enough to sit down and have a good ole' chat with me then isn't he?" Liam smirked as his daughter grimaced towards him before glancing at her brother and sticking out her tongue.

"You wait Isaac, you've called a war now!"

Isaac laughed out loud as he caught his fathers eye before Liam tipped his hat towards his son's direction.

"I'll be down in a sec Pa. Is Ma visiting Fred and Felicity again?"

Liam nodded as he smiled at the thought of his wife, still the fiery red head he'd married, and by gosh she still had the outlaw blood running through her veins. They'd definitely passed on enough of that blood to their children.

After the birth of their 5th child Mary - Louise 13 years ago they finally settled with their family of 7. Granger had died 5 years prior after falling from his horse in a raid and catching pneumonia that winter. It had been a big blow to the family but they were gradually sewing their lives back together stitch by stitch.

All the Grange children were growing up fast. And after Fred and Felicity married 9 years ago, they didn't waste any time before having their daughter Rebecca and then they're son Benny, 2 years later.

Never once had they gone back on their morals of their outlaw life. They didn't hide the life from the children and Isaac, Lily and Nathan had been on plenty raids. Ellie and Mary-Lou were of the softer nature, remaining at home to help out Felicity and their cousins.

Liam watched as Isaac came bounding down the stairs whilst a flurry of red hair zipped past before barreling into his son.
He laughed as his other children ran from the other rooms ready to join in the play fight.

Grace  walked into her home and stood beside Liam, kissing him on his cheek before laughing at the children.

After everything that had happened Grace always expected the unexpected, and after almost 20 years without any trouble, she was preparing herself for something to come along to try and break them.

Whatever they were faced with, Grace had no doubt that they'd be ready.

They were Grange's after all.

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