| Author's Note |

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Thursday, December 7th, 2017

Dear Reader,

Honestly, you don't have to read this. I understand that it may be a bit long and very boring so don't force yourself. It's your decision, your life, your choice. I have no right to control you or object you if you decide against reading this lame ass letter. Only thing I'd like to at least mention before you run off, just read the following. It'll only take a minute. You don't have to though, but it would really mean a lot to me if you do and I understand, what I feel may not be relevant in your life, however, I won't ask for anything after this. Promise.

Congrats on finishing my book. This is the official end and please pause to pat yourself on the back or smile or complete some type of action. This is my reward to you, shitty I know, but it's all I have to offer as of this moment. Thank you. Although it may not seem like it, you have greatly impacted my life by completing this cringey story which needs to undergo severe editing. I hope you do know your comments is what helped me get past a hard day. Every time I felt down, I would read each and every one of your comments. Although sometimes I wouldn't reply, yes, I have read them all. You've all provided me with determination to push myself so I could finish this. Although it's not a masterpiece, it's close. Furthermore, I'm surprised I made it this far. I never really did have much faith in myself to begin with, but now it's improved a little bit. Let me say it again before I go, thank you. I really appreciate it.

And that's all the time I will take out of your precious lives. You can chose to read further or not. It's all up to you.

Closing Thoughts

There you have it, folks. The ending you've all anticipated. I'm sorry it took so long since I had trouble figuring out how I wanted to end the book, but now I have and I feel accomplished. Believe it or not, I started writing this in the Spring/Summer of 2015 (around May/June). I was still going through puberty and figuring out how to deal with it so this is what I resorted to. Cringey, I know. This is exactly why the story may not have made sense, but it did to me at that time. I am confusion as well. To fix this issue, I will edit and add pictures to improve the quality of the work. Regarding the content of this book, I actually am proud of myself. It was super hard to try and be in the shoes of Daryl Dixon for Part 2. The whole idea came to me at night when I was figuring out how to create a Part 2. I decided to incorporate his point of view, but the trick was that it still had to be a "x Reader" book which is why I had to refer to the reader as 'girlie' and 'my girl'. It might've been annoying for you, but that's all I could've said. :/ The struggles are real.

Requests and Updates

I will not update this book. It is finished. Period. I've been working on it for almost three years now. If you really want to read more of my work even though I don't know why you would do that, just go read "TWD: Just Another Boy to Discover (Carl x Reader)". As for this book, it's still incomplete as I still have to polish it off with my editing skills and pictures. If you have any cute pictures of Daryl Dixon, please send them my way. PM me on Wattpad and send me the link. That will be appreciated, thank you very much. Oh! Also, I plan on dedicating chapters to those who are "loud" readers aka I want more comments and votes so those of you who do comment/vote, my reward is a dedication. (To be blunt, I want more comments please.)

Guidance and Tips in Life

Here's what I've learned from my personal experiences from the real world. You need to be independent. Never rely on anyone for anything. Have you ever heard the saying,"If you want anything done right, do it yourself"? That's basically how you survive in this day and age. People will leave you, befriend you, hurt you, betray you and even love you, but don't rely on them. Essentials for living:
1. Learn how to manage your money. It'll help prepare you for the real world, when you have no one watching over your shoulder to make sure you have enough money to eat everyday.
2. Make sure you have life skills (pretty explicit) such as cooking and sewing. This one is as important as everything else although it may receive less attention. Trust me, living off food such as sandwiches and fast food everyday is not healthy.
3. Have self-regulation. Self-regulation is the ability to monitor your own work and successfully completing the tasks without the help of anyone else. Pretty self-explanatory.
4. Accept that life isn't fair. This one will take time. Acceptance is a hard thing for any and every human being to do as it is not taught to us, it happens through experience. Never place the blame on others as well, you won't accomplish anything by doing so.
5. Never care about the opinions of others. This is difficult as well since school never teaches us about the topic of opinions. Sure, they may talk about briefly such as mentioning it during health class and talking about peer pressure, but I know it's not discussed as deeply because learning cosine and sine is clearly more important. (Did you sense the sarcasm?)

About the Author

I can't describe myself because I don't exactly know who I am. I have various personalities ranging from outgoing to introverted. To be exact, I'm an ambivert. My attitude normally depends on how I'm feeling. I am sarcastic, rude (not all the time though, it usually depends on our relationship) and honest. One thing that I've noticed recently is that I'm very awkward around males (again, that depends on my mood and the relationship of me and the fellow male). But especially at school, I would keep a straight face. If you wanna know more about me, just check out "The Rant Book (Since 2016)".

Well, that's about it. Thank you again for making it to the end of this letter. Sorry for taking up a good five minutes of your life when you could've been doing something more productive and better than reading this piece of junk.


TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now