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     "Explain yourself," Rick states.
     You hesitate. There are things Rick  shouldn't know. 
     Was this one of them? 
     "I'll say it once," you say. "And it is never to be spoken of ever again"
     He nods his head. You explain it once again except this time, you don't tell him about the moonlight, the bed, the window. Rick listens attentively. It reminds you of Daryl. Once you were finished, he takes a moment to process all the things you said.
     "Green, red, white," Rick begins. "Silver, blue"
     "Black. It's next," you say.
     "Okay then, make sure you get some rest for today. I heard from Daryl about what happened at the Pharmacy," he says and with that, leaves the room.
     You were left there all alone. The window was wide open. You could feel the slight breeze. It refreshes you. After a while, you debate on weather you should go outside or not. Taking the risk, you grab your axe.
     "Where ya goin' shortie?" 
     "No where. Doesn't concern you," you reply quickly. You knew it was Daryl.
     "A'right, go a'ead," he says. "But com' back"
     "Of course," you say and pass by him.
     Something was off. You knew the moment you took a step outside. The air, the wind. It just didn't feel right. You shrug it off, not caring. You continue to trek out in to the forest, the only place where you could clear your mind and think. Just think.
     Hearing a rustle coming from the bushes, your instant reaction was to pull out your axe. The noise stopped. You look around carefully, observing your surroundings. You hear another movement, this time it was the sound of something reloading. A gun.
     There's definitely someone here.

     "Got her"
     "The girl who killed Marcius?"
     "Sí, it's the same lil' puta. Her boyfriend came along too."
     You open your eyes, everything was still black. A blindfold. You try moving your hands, but they were tied together. No doubt, you were kidnapped. You tried to sense exactly where you were. 
     In a moving car. You're being transported somewhere.
Black. The colour enters your brain. All you see is black. All you can think of is black. All you interpret is black. Black. 


You look behind you a second time. The governor. He's returned. He was hot on your heels. 
"Rick took something special away from me. Now it's my turn to take something special away from him," he called.
A stream. You spot the same silver stream, next to a cave. You throw a walker at the governor and make a break for the cave.
"You can run, but you can't hide"


TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now