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     "I passed this way when we were heading to Terminus," she states.
     "So you kno' the path hom'?" I ask.
     "Yes, big guy," she says and draws circles with her fingers on my chest. My breath hitches and I pull away, not wanting push herself.
     "Let's go back th'n," I say and she cocks her head to the side.
     "But I'm not in the proper condition to move...," she replies. I swiftly pick her up and bring her downstairs, placing her on the couch. She looks at me in alarm.
     "I'm gonna go fe'ch my bik'," I say. "You stay her' an' don't mov'."
     "What? No! You're going to get yourself killed, Dixon," she protests and my heart tightens when she mentions my last name. That was hot.
     I snap out of it and head on out, ignoring her cries. Taking her axe with me, I go through the back where there were a lot less walkers. I take them out one by one and slam the door shut to keep her safe. Doing so catches the attention of all nearby walkers and I make a run for it. I quickly find my bike partially hidden and climb aboard. I start up the engine and walkers begin to crowd around. As soon as it starts up, I smirk. Bashing each and every walker in the head with my girl's axe, I make it safely back and break through the window, sending tiny pieces of shattered glass in every direction. I find her standing up, ready to go. 
     "Hop on!" I order and she does what she's told.
     My girl gets up from the couch, grabbing my crossbow along the way. She then swings her good leg on to the other side, taking a seat. My girl smoothly slips her hands under my shirt and rests her head on my shoulder. I choose to ignore the sensation. Instead, I focus on getting us out of here. I find my way back on to the road with walkers slowly following. A couple of minutes later, they were out of sight. However, a new problem occurs.
     "We're outta gas," I say and kick the damn thing. 
     "It's okay, we're almost there," my girl says, hopping off and she staggering towards a highway. "Only a twenty minute walk from here..."
     "Com' back here," I say and she spins around. 
     I leave my motorcycle towards the side of the road, promising myself to come back for it. I then switch my attention on my girl and she struggles walking. I snake my arm around her waist and lift her up carefully so that she could hop easier. Finally comfortable with the position, we begin to make our way down the road. 
     "Is it just me, or are there patches of black everywhere?" my girl slurs her speech.
     I look at her with concern and she fights to keep her eyes open. I watch in horror as I feel her body go limp. I pick her up and rush down the path, desperate to head back home. I make sure the movements of my steps are soft so that she doesn't get hurt in the process. Baby girl, you can't die on me now.

TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz