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     "The hel' do you wan'?" I say.
     "Don't go back in," Jenna responds and hands me a bottle of beer. "Take this and hunt for food."
     "Why shoul' I lis'en to you?" I yell and he shoves the cold liquor in to my arms.
     "I know her better than you. If she likes you, she'll come after you. Hear her out," she replies and stalks away. I send her a confused look and head on out in to the forest.
      After passing the gates, I notice that there weren't many guards on watch. Shrugging it off, I decide to walk down the rigid trail surrounded by magnificently tall trees. The sun was now resting on the horizon, peeking over the hills and casting its beautiful reflection upon Mother Nature. I wander down the path, mesmerized by it. It reminds me of her. The girl. Although Sage cheated on me, I know that she wouldn't. I can't let her go. I hear a rustle between the bushes, interrupting my thoughts. I jerk my head to the side and raise my crossbow. A squirrel. 
     "Gotcha," she yells and chops the animal's head off. She then picks it up by the tail and swings it. "Wanna feast?"
     I snort and completely ignore her, letting the squirrel be hers. I continue and pass her. She looks at me wide-eyed and my heart begins to ache. I can't let her control me like this. I must know how to resist. I avoid looking at her, but I can feel her eyes not leaving my body. I shudder at the sensation.
     "Oh, I get it. One squirrel won't be enough to fill both of our stomachs, right? I'll get us some more," she says and stumbles, almost tripping over air. She giggles and darts underneath a tree. "Daryl! Another squirrel! It's up the tree! Please help me get it!"
     I stop to watch her hop up and down, desperately trying to climb up. There's something about the way she was reaching for the animal that made me feel a stronger attraction towards her. I shake my head to get rid of any thoughts. Control. I need to fucking control myself. She then pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.
     "Daryllll," she stretches my name and I love the way it rolls off her tongue. I suddenly remember what Jenna said. If she likes you, she'll come after you. Hear her out.
     "Why," I ask.
     "Huh?" the girl cocks her head to the side and my heart leaps. She's just so freaking cute.
     "Why...ya'know. Merle?" I say, words jumbled up and I rub the back of my neck out of sheer embarrassment. This isn't like me. What has she done?
     "I'll tell you if you eat with me," she offers. 
     "Fin'," I agree. I don't know why I wanted to know the answer so much, but I just had to,
     "Yay!" she squeals and pulls me in to a hug. I stand there, stiff. "You're so big."
     "Go get the damn squirrel," I say quickly and hoist her up on to the tree, hiding my face in my arms.

TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now