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     "What the hel' did yo' do?" I spit as I watch the old white haired man rise from her bed in a hurry.
     "Nothing. Hershel didn't do anything, Daryl," the girl speaks softly and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. 
     "Leav'," I tell the man.
     "Alright, just make sure she gets a good night's rest," he says and leaves.
     "What happen'd," I ask and close the door quietly behind him.
     "It's okay, Daryl, I'm fine," she sniffles and I flick on the lamp located on the beside table. I turn off the lights and sit next to her. 
     "No, you ain't fine, girlie," I say, pointing out the obvious.
     "Yes, I am," she whispers. I cup my fingers underneath her chin and force her to look at me. I wipe her tears away with my thumb and she closes her eyes.
     "Go to sle'p," I say and gently let go. She nods her head slowly and lays down. I turn around to leave, but she grabs the end of my shirt.
     "Daryl?" she calls and my heart leaps.
     "Yeah?" I respond and face her.
     "Please don't leave," she says, looking directly in to my eyes.
     "Don't worry, girlie, I won't," I reassure her.
     "Please stay here, with me," she responds and points to the empty spot next to her. I shake my head. If anyone caught us sleeping together, Merle would know. "Please?"
     "Merle. He'll bea' my ass if he finds ou'," I say and she pulls me in closer. Our noses touch and my breath begins to grow heavy.
     "I don't care," she says huskily. Defeated, I lay next to her and she smiles.
     Her eyes light up, turning a lighter shade than before. She switches off the lamp and falls asleep rather quickly. The only light in the room comes from outside. The moon shines through the window, giving me the ability to glance at her peaceful face. She then rolls over in my direction and props a foot around my hips. My body  I smirk silently and lazily place my hand around her waist before drifting off to sleep. 
     The loud noise of banging pots and pans wakes me up. It was only dawn. I look around and find myself tangled with the girl. I slowly take her leg off my body and climb off the bed. Fortunately, no one has seen us together yet. Just as I am about to turn the doorknob, the door open and in walks Merle.
     "Oh hey there, littl' brother! How ab'ut you go eat som' breakfas'?" he says and shoves me outside. Once he shuts the door, I place my ear on it. "Hello there."
     "Hmm?" I hear my girl say. "Get off me."
     "C'mon, no one will come in," Merle says.
     "Get off me," she restates.
     "Daryl?" Carol calls from behind.
     "Shit," I curse and swing open the door. Merle hops off my girl and I push him on to the floor.
     "Asshole," he spits.
     "EVERYONE GET OUT!" I hear the blood chilling screams of people as well as moans of walkers. The distinct sound of bullets was heard and we all run downstairs.
     "Not again," the girl groans and uses her axe as a weapon. "Who the hell opened the barn?"
     Merle, Carol, the girl and I all reunite with a couple members of the group outside. Instantly, we see the swarm of walkers surround the barn. People were getting bit, it was the same as last night. Not everyone will survive.
     "The RV! Everyone get inside the RV! I know a place not far from here," the girl screams and people begin rushing towards the car.
     "SOPHIA!" I hear Carol yell. I look to my left and there she was, as a walker. The girl was right. "Sophia, my darling, come back to me."
     I shoot Sophia with my crossbow and drag Carol towards the RV. Once she has made it safely inside, I turn to find the girl. The RV begins to move and I hop out. I use my knife to kill nearby walkers and finally spot the motorcycle.
     "Don't touch Carol," the girl spits.

TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now