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     "Let's go, we have to get out of here," Rick finally talks and everyone begins to hustle. Merle walks up to me, standing tall. Our eyes meet and his hands become fists. Just as he's about to throw a punch, Rick stops him. "Now is not the time."
     Instead of obeying, Merle flips him off and curses. He pulls out a gun and points it against my head. My girl's eyes widen and she rushes by my side, causing my stomach to churn at her simplest of actions. Merle's attention flickers between Rick, the girl and I. Out of the blue, Michonne kicks Merle in the balls and he doubles over, dropping the weapon.
     "You got a stron' as' kick fo' a lady," he says full of rage. Not wasting another second, I grab the gun and hand it over to Michonne.
     "We have to go. Now," she states and I grab my girl's hand, intertwining our fingers once again before hopping in to the RV. The others were already inside, causing it to be tight. I then remember something. My bike.
     "Girlie, where'd you plac' my bike?" I ask and she stares at me blankly.
     "What are you talking about?" she replies, squinting her eyes as if she was trying to remember. She then jumps in realization. "Oh! I placed it underneath the bushes, near the road to Terminus."
     I sigh out of frustration. I wanted to be mad at her, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to keep a grudge against her. Man, I've fallen hard for her. I sit down on a nearby sofa and grunt. She follows and takes a seat next to me, avoiding eye contact.
     "Com' her'," Merle commands, motioning for my girl to sit in his lap. Disgusted, I look away and place my hand on the girl's thigh so she wouldn't move. I could feel her receive goosebumps yet once again from my touch and I smirk, satisfied. "What ar' you waitin' for?"
     "No," she states firmly, shaking her head.
     "What do you mean 'no'?" Merle mocks and she rolls her eyes. 
     "No is no. I'm not coming," she replies and to make Merle even angrier, she plops down on my lap. I enjoy the look on Merle's face when I wrap my arms around her familiar hips and place my chin on her shoulder. He takes a deep breath before spitting all over the place.
     "Lil' brother, why don' you shar' with your old'r brother," he says in a surprisingly calm manner.
     "Naw," I respond flatly and bring her perfect body in, closer to my chest. I don't want to let go.
     Merle gets up from his seat and was about to make his way towards us when Michonne stops him. She sends Merle a dirty look and he stares her down. Rick suddenly interrupts the two and they break eye contact.
     "Do you know a safe-zone?" he asks, looking in my girl's direction. 
     "Alexandria. It's another place. However, I'm afraid it's the last place I know of. Let alone, remember. I'm sure there were other places, but I don't know anymore," she says, repeating herself. "However, to get past the walls, you need to find a man named Aaron. He should be at a close-by cottage."
     "Where is the cottage?" Carol asks, joining in on the conversation. The girl pauses and looks outside for a moment, trying to figure out where we were.
     "I believe you have to take a right and go straight until the next turning. Then, we'll have to walk from there," she says, eyes not leaving the window. "Turn right now."
     "You heard the girl," Rick says and Glenn turns the vehicle. After a few minutes of aimlessly driving straight, the girl pipes up.
     "Stop. This is where we'll find Aaron," she says and hops off my lap. "There he is!"

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