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     I cruise the town with my loud motorcycle. It helps me think about all the shit that just went down. First of all, it certainly was not my fault that she cheated on me. I just need to clear up my mind and freshen up. A car honks behind me as the traffic begins to move. It snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn around to flip the driver off. As I continue to roll the streets blasting my favorite music, I come to a stop near a park. The grass was as green as her eyes. I shake my head to snap out of my thoughts.
     "Daryl, right?" a girl approaches me. I look at her and realize I have never seen her in my entire life. "He's the guy, Jenna"
     "You mean, the guy in your dreams?" another girl, I assume it's Jenna, stares me up and down.
     "Bullshit. I ain't in nobody's dream," I turn around and head back to my bike, away from the stupid morons.
     As I sit on my motorcycle, I notice that they were gone. I shrug it off and take a deep breath as I start up my bike. It roars loudly and I begin to leave. Suddenly, I feel two tiny arms slip around my stomach. I stop immediately and spin around to see the two girls from the park.
     "Keep moving," the girl says.
     "You've got guts fo' a lady," I respond and take out my gun from my boot. 
     "Listen, I will explain later. All I need you to do is to continue to where ever you were going," she bluntly states, not an ounce of fear was written across her face.
     "Why shoul' I lis'en to you?" I cock my gun to signal that I was not afraid to shoot.
     "Because you will not shoot in public. Not where there are tons of people looking at you right now," she replies smartly. Instantly, I turn around and withdraw the gun so I do not bring any further attention to myself. Luckily, no one did notice. "If I were you, I would listen"
     "Where are you heading?" the girl from behind joins in on the conversation. 
     "To the bri'ge," I stare intensely at the two, not wanting to talk anymore.
     "So go," the girl commands and I spit at the floor. I start my bike up again, purring softly. I head towards main street and begin to head towards the bridge.
It's beginning to piss me off at how easily they took complete control of me. The only question I had to ask was why. Why me?
     "Why?" she reads your mind. "It's because it's starting, that's why. The beginning of the end. The Syndicate is after me. They're after the Spoilt. It's because only the Spoilt knows what's gonna happen when the president of our own country starts it"
     It becomes silent as tension builds up between us. That was it. The girl has lost her mind. She is crazy and I must get rid of her as fast as I can. The Spoilt, the Syndicate and the President has nothing to do with me heading towards the bridge.
     "And if you want to know why I need you, it's because..." she lets her sentence trail off as the sounds of multiple gun shots were heard in the distance. It sounds like all hell broke loose. I come as close to the bridge as I could so I can smell the gunpowder. Troops from the military were dropping down the helicopter, spraying. They were killing the lives of many innocent people on the bridge. "Shit, it has already started"

TWD: Just Another Reason to Hold On (Daryl x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now