{Chapter Thirty Two}

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We don't have to go into school until after lunch today for two lessons and an assembly and today is rehearsals for Blood Brothers. We had a few. The show isn't for until the summer. Its Halloween next weekend and Mona's birthday. How cool is that? Very cool! Me and Vanessa are going costume and birthday present shopping tomorrow. Halloweens Saturday night so we are celebrating Friday night. We are just going to Mona's for pizza and presents and going to the Halloween fair which starts at seven. Me and Max never miss our Friday night which everyone brought up saying "Should we do it Sunday?" but its Mona's birthday. I wouldn't want to miss it for the world.

I go downstairs and I can hear dad washing up in the kitchen and talking to Jasper. I continue going downstairs and go into the kitchen. He spots me and stops washing up and faces me. "Dad. I'm so sorry. You weren't ready for a party and I should have known." I apologise. "I'm sorry Grace. I shouldn't have snapped. Especially when you threw and amazing party for me." Dad puts his hand out and I shake it. "You know I love you Grace?" He says. I just nod. "No more fights for now on. We will talk everything out." He stands proud and sits at the kitchen counter and I join him. "I liked my presents." He smiles. We are not looking at each other. "I printed of some more photos to hang up. Why don't you go threw some of yours and we can get some printed of for your room." He suggests and I nod. We are looking at each other now but not making eye contact. "I gotta finish some homework." I say, standing up. "Okay. I'm home all day so I will make dinner tonight and we can catch up." He smiles and I again nod. Very repetitive. I dash upstairs. Jasper meowing as I go. 

Ding dong. The door bell goes. I can hear dads voice but I can't hear the other voice. Shoot. I gotta get going to school in a bit. I begin to pack my sactual when my door flings open and a familiar body dumps himself on my bed. "Max!" I raise my voice then shut my door. "So you and your dad have kinda made up. That's good right? So you ready for school? We should just ge-" "Maximus!" I interrupt. "Why are you suddenly calling me Maximus? Are you mad at me?" He says. Stupid boy. "Yes I am fucking mad at you. You spy on the person I am dating and not text me saying sorry or why and you come in and act like everything is normal." I scream out him. Then take a well needed breath. We just sit there in silence for a minuet. "Do you wanna say anything?" I break the silence with my anger. "I'm sorry Grace but I don't trust Michael." He stands up. "Why not?" I ask in a calm voice. "I can't tell you." He sighs. My anger builds back up again. "You can leave now." I point to the door. "But you need a lift to school." He says. "I will- I will ride my bike." I say fairly confidently. We both turn to the window to see the rain chucking down. It looks harsh. "I will ask my dad for a ride." I say and grab my bag and dash downstairs. Sadly Max is faster then me so he tails right behind the whole way. "Dad!" I get to him panting. "Can I get a ride to school please." I ask my my adorable grin. "Why don't you get a ride with Max?" He asks. Then looks back at his paper. My grin automatically drifts away. "Because Max is being a little shit." I answer and my grin comes back.  "Fine. Give me five minuets." He says and side steps out the room. "Bye Maximus." I turn to him and he leaves. Slamming the front door. 

I get to school and everyone is already on in the sports hall on the bleachers. I join them. "Hey. Has anyone seen Max?" I ask. "I saw him with Amber before we all came in but not since." Bryce answers. "Probably of in some cupboard if you know what I mean." Fred grins and Nessa elbows him. "How you feeling Mona?" I change the subject to hide my anger and sadness. "Better thanks." She smiles. "I don't wanna do rehearsals tonight." Mona moans making me laugh. 

The assembly is just an update on school stuff. Lessons go smoothly. Study sessions and a video. Teachers are don't care anymore today.  

Rehearsals are running scenes. After Christmas we have to know all our lines and all the songs. I haven't see Max all day but he has football practise today so I will rush and get him. "See you tomorrow." Mona waves at me. "Yeah." I wave back. Lilly dashed out as she said she had to get home quickly. I can't wait for next week as a week off school! Yes. Zachery's birthday is coming up so he will be back home for that and then at Christmas. "Max!" I call after him and he stops in his tracks. I stand in front of him. "I'm sorry I got mad. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." I say. "He looks at me for a minuet. "I forgive you. I'm sorry too." He sighs and hugs me but I pull back very quickly. "You are sweaty." I pull a disgusted face. Making us both break out in laughter. "Why don't you trust Mike?" I make a serious face and my voice is serious. "I can't tell you Gracie. I'm sorry. I won't interfere with your relationship again." He stands proud. "Fine. But I will break your secret Prier." I say with an evil smile. "Can you give me a ride?" I ask and his face turns from ghostly and bright.           

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Next chapter is Mona's birthday and then Halloween party. Secrets, enemies, drama and scares are all in store for Chapter Thirty Three and Thirty Four. We appreciate any feedback, leave comments. Love ya guys xx

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