{Chapter Sixteen}

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This song, we added it because we really like it. Hope you enjoy this song by Nightcore xx

We slide into communications. I sit by none of my friends in this class. Everyone is talking about homecoming. Mrs Field enters and places her polka dot bag on the floor and begins writing on the chalk board. "Please complete the task on the board students. We will discus after." She turns around and sits at her desk with her famous red marking pen." The task is on how social media influences our personalities. 

About half an hour later Mrs Fields stands up and sit on her desk. "So. What do you guys think? Does social media influence our personalities? By the way guys. Test soon so take notes." Everyone grabs a pen. One student begins. "Well yeah. Everyone's afraid what you might think of them if you post the wrong picture on Facebook." Then Fredrick then speaks. "Well social media has made me more popular. I know it seemed impossible but posters for homecoming were only put up this morning and on Saturday I posted a picture of me my swim shorts which had thousand likes." Mrs roles her eyes. "Its true Mrs." He continues. "Social media is who we are and if we choose to upload something for popularity that is our choice. No one else makes that choice for you. Unless they hack you social media or something." He shrugs. "Anyone else?" Mrs asks and hands fly into the air. 

I leave the classroom. "Wait up Grace." I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to see Lilly coming up behind me. "Vanessa needed to talk to Mrs Field about something. "So... Homecoming." She smiles. "Can we talk about something else. I clutch my straps on my bag. "Good idea. We all need to be together to talk details. Oh! Today, after school I find out my position on the cheer team. Very excited. I can't wait for next year to run for captain." She giggles. I can see why she is popular. She is sweet, cute, pretty, sporty. She has the whole high school package. And she is dating Bryce who is also sweet and kind, handsome, sporty. They are the perfect high school couple. "Come on. I love English." She smiles, taking my hands and drags me through the corridors. Did I mention she is also confident. A smile spreads across my face. I have never been happier. To have friends. This is amazing. 

We sit down at lunch. Me, Vanessa, Mona and Lilly. "Where is Em?" I ask. "In the gym. She is a race next weekend. She is a good runner but now focuses a lot of her time on it." I begin to much on my chips when Max jumps me. "Geez Max. Do you do anything else but scare me?" I ask as he slides down next to me. "Its just so much fun." He winks. Fredrick, Bryce, Patrick and Augustus join us. "So Homecoming." Patrick brings up. "Ohh. I can't wait. We need to go shopping before all the good dresses are taken. Tomorrow after school." Mona says and all the girls nod. Bar me. "Grace? You feeling okay?" Mona turns to me. "Yeah." I answer and take a sip of my water. "So you up for tomorrow?" Vanessa asks. The girls all turn to me as the guys talk about the big game. "Homecoming isn't really my thing." The last time I went to a school dance was when I was ten. "No you have to come." Mona stomps. "Hey Vanessa. A guys approaches her. "You wanna go to homecoming with me? I am a good time." She smiles, cheekily. "Sorry. I'v already told someone else I would go with them." She smiles at him and he walks away. "How have you already had an offer. Who is it?" I ask. "Its with... Um... Daniel." She stutters. "Daniel! Daniel Kegan!" Lilly shouts and Vanessa tries to shush her. "Sorry. Who is Daniel Keman?" I question them. "Daniel Kegan." Mona corrects me. "He is Vanessa's ex. He slept with like three other women while they were dating and said it was an accident. They broke up like a week before the summer started." Mona tells me. "He has changed guys. He is going to cook me dinner on Friday night." She smiles and Lilly and Vanessa shake their heads.

I am stood my my locker, waiting for Max to take me home. Then I step forward to see if he was coming round the corner or something but I bash into that same mystery boy. Us both dropping our stuff. "Oh I'm so sorry." We say in unison, us both crouching to the floor to pick up the paper and folders. "Second time." He smiles. "Hey. I'm Michael Gino." He continues smiling and handing me some of my paper. He looks so perfect. He must be on the football team or soccer or lacrosse or something. "I'm Grace. Grace Claymouth." I stand up as he does. "You're the new girl. Right?" He asks. "That's me." I shrug. "Well. I will see you around. Grace Claymouth." His face is to die for. "Yeah. Michael Gino." I say and she walks away. Half way down the corridor he turns around and smiles at me. He is not that much taller then me either. He is average height. "Hey Gracie. What you looking at?" Max approaches me. "Nothing." I shake my head. "Your cheeks are burning. Are you sure your feeling okay?" He looks at me, seriously. "I'm fine. Come on. I wanna go home. Jasper will we wondering where I am." I smile and begin to walk down the corridor. "Excited for the big game?" I ask. Making sure the conversation isn't focusing on me. 

We drive past the cafe again. I can't wait for it to open. It looks so cool. We used to have this cute cafe in Tampa. It was all peach walls and white and pink furniture with cute drinks and food. So stereotypical girl but it wasn't. Mom used to take me and Zachery when we were little and I went there with Georgina a few times. When she was my friend. I am now glad we fell out. I might not have this group of friends. Who I have to go shopping with tomorrow.

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Sorry that the chapters or either coming out frequently or not for a while, Liv is sitting her GCSE's which is is her final exam until in two years she will have more, I (Jess) do my overall finals next year. Any feedback let us know. It could be mistakes, ideas, music choices or cover pictures. Love ya guys xx  

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