{Chapter Twenty Six}

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This video is so old and you have probably seen it but it kinda felt fitting. First kisses=cringe. Enjoy xx

MY DATE IS TONIGHT! He is picking me up at six so we can go to the movies. Why do I feel so nervous. My face is scrunched up and my stomach has a weird feeling. It's four in the afternoon, so I hop in the shower, clean my teeth, dry my hair and do then enter my bedroom in a bath robe. I open my closet and just stare at it. What to wear. I want to wear something casual. Because its my first date. I want to seem it a natural thing I have done before. I change into black top and black ripped jeans with heeled boots and a brown jacket. My makeup is my usual but this time with dark red lipstick. I have a black clutch bag with a gold chain and a gold necklace. My hair flowing down in curls.  

I put my phone, lipstick and glasses into my bag and go downstairs where dad is working at the dinning table

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I put my phone, lipstick and glasses into my bag and go downstairs where dad is working at the dinning table. I enter to where he is sat and I spin around to show of my outfit. But he doesn't look. "I want you home at no later then half ten." He says. Not even looking at me. "Okay dad. I will go when he gest here." I say and leave the room. The doorbell rings and I open it. Okay Grace. Calm. He is wearing jeans and smart shirt and jacket with boots. "Hello Grace Claymouth." "Hello Michael Gino." I smile "These are for you." He smiles, handing me some tulips. "I will put them in some water." I say, standing aside so he can come in. He follows me into the kitchen. I place them in a vase and we leave and get into his car. "Was your dad home?" He asks and we strap on our seat belts. "Yeah. I think he is still mad at me." I sigh and Michael. "Why? If you don't mind me asking." He faces me and I turn my back to him and pull down my jacket. "You got a tattoo." He says, surprisingly. "Yeah. One night when I was with one of my friends." I rest my head on the seat, pulling up my jacket. "I think it suits you." He grins. 

We walk into the Roasting Chestnut restaurant. Its smallish. Its really nice and a good first date restaurant in my opinion. He has even booked a table. The table has menus, cutlery, a candle and some chestnuts. Super cute. I haven't been here yet. "I will be over shorty to take your order." The waiter says. We begin to scan the menu. "I feel like chicken." I say. "How come?" Michael asks. "Chicken is my favourite food." I smile up over the menu. "Ohh." He cheekily smiles. 

A few minuets later the waiter comes back with a pad and pen. I love how its not those electronic ones. "Drink?" He says. "I will have an elder flower." I request. "And can I get a sparkling water?" "Yep. And food?" He looks at me. "Could I have the half a chicken please with fries and all vegetables." I smile up at him, closing my menu. "Could I get the beef and sauce?" He takes our menus and leaves us alone. "So tell me about yourself Grace." I pause for a minuet. "Well I used to live in Tampa which is in Florida which is really beautiful. I have an older brother who is attending Ohio University to play football and... I'm a weirdo." We both laugh. "Your turn." The waiter places our drinks in front of us. "Well. I have lived here my entire life and have had the same friends since I was about three years old. I am Italian and my family are catholic. I have a younger sister who is eight and... I'm a weirdo too." He smiles, making me smile. "So you're catholic." I say, then slowly sip on my drink through a straw. "No. But my parents are and grandparents and uncles, aunties and cousins are." So interesting. "What are you interested in?" "Well, I love to play the piano and I take music at school but it is not very interesting at the moment, but soon we are starting a project. I like to read but I haven't in a while. Been busy." I shrug. "I love listening to the piano. Who taught you to play?" I sit back for a moment and I can feel the colour leave my cheeks, he looks at me like I'm insane. "My mom." I look down at my drink. "I'm sorry Grace." I look up. "How do you know?" I begin. "I heard about at school. When we met I din't want it to be like that." Aww. "I'm sorry." He looks deep into my eyes. "Its fine. I like to talk about her. I can't with my dad. In time I come out with buts about what happened. It is kinda nice." I say, putting my hands on my chin and leaning on the table. "So what about you"?   

Dinner is amazing and we talk and laugh the whole time. We then go the movies and see the movie "Alien" as neither of us had seen it yet. I jump a bit which makes some popcorn come out of the container but it wasn't scary but it was good. Knew the ending though. Sorry director, writer, producers of the movie. It was kinda obvious. 

We get out at its nine. We walk down the sidewalk to get to the car, when I fall over. Right on my hands and knees. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" Michael asks while helping me up. "Yeah." I let out. I look down to see my knee is bleeding. "Shit." I mutter. "Here. Let me help you." He say, bending down a bit. I put and arm around him which I place over his shoulders and his around my waist. I almost fall again but Michael catches me and I spin into his chest. I like how he is only a little taller then me. "I guess you have two left feet." He laughs. "You could say that." I laugh along. Then we look into each others eyes. Then he slowly leans in and his lips are planted on mine and first of it felt kinda like being hitting your face on a pillow but then it was nice. We pull away but I stand on my toes and reach back up. Our lips colliding again, this time much softer and more elegant. THIS IS AMAZING! His lips are soft and beautiful. Before going for tongue we pull away. And I hobble back to the side of him as he walks us to his car. 

"Do you need help getting in your house?" He ask as we pull up outside my house and the car stops. "I will be fine." I smile, unbuckling my seat belt. "I had fun tonight." I lean in, just smiling at him. "Me too. And I know I'm not popular like you so if you want to keep it a secret that's fine." "Michael." I interrupt. "I don't want to keep it a secret. Just maybe not become public knowledge until at least after the second date." I raise my shoulders. Wait a minuet! I'm popular at school? "So is there going to be a second date?" He smiles at me and I continue to lean in. "Yeah. Next week we could just grab some coffee if you want?" I raise my eyebrows, repetitively. "I would like that." He imitates me. And we kiss again. Only briefly. "Goodnight Michael Gino." I smile and go to climb out the car. "You can call me Mike you know." He calls after me. "Goodnight Mike." I say instead. "Goodnight Grace." And I climb out the car and hobble over to my house, letting myslef and and I hear Michael, I mean Mike, drive away.

Dad is sat watching TV when I come in. "Hey dad." I say, kicking om my shoes, and carry them over to the couch and sit down next to him. "Its only ten. Surprised your home. How was your date?" He then pauses whatever he is watching. "It was good I-" Ehhh I stop in pain. "Grace! What happened to your knee? What did you do? How did you get that? Did your date do it?" He questions me. "I just fell over when we came out the movie theatre. It hurts. Do you think you could get me some water to clean it out and a bandage." I plead. "Yeah. Stay here." He say, then getting up. 

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Hope you enjoyed. Next few chapters are kinda chill then the drama emerges! Sorry about the long wait for next chapter, life has been really busy for the both of us. Anyway. Love ya guys xx            

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