{Chapter Twenty Nine}

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This week has gone too fast. I have had so much to do with dads birthday and school works. Three quizzes and lots of essays. Such a pain. Me and Mike had dinner at my house as dad was out. It was very fun. He is like out of a movie. Everything about him screams perfection.

It is Friday lunch time and we are all sat at the table picking into our food. I am so happy everyone's coming to dads party tomorrow. I am sat on the end on the table, next to Mona he is currently discussing anime which I have drifted away from and I am staring into the busy lunch hall. Then I see Michael Gino begin to walk along the pathway between the tables. Our eyes meet and he smiles at me as he gets closer then he passes and my eyes and head follow him as he sits at a table with his friends. "What was that?" Mona nudges me. Bringing me back to the conversation. At the point they are all staring at me. "Nothing." I shrug of and take a bite of my sandwich. "That totally was something Miss Claymouth." Lilly starts up. I begin to feel my cheeks rise in temperature. "Look at her." Mona points at me. Now Lilly, Mona, Nessa, Max, Fred, Bryce and Augustus are looking at me. The other random popular's in their own conversations. "I said it was nothing." I grit my teeth and stomp on Lilly's foot. "Please. You can tell us." Vanessa smiles. Knowing I'm not the most confident with this. "We just went to two dates." I mumble. Sadly Mona hears me while the others looks clueless. "You went to two dates and din't tell us?" She blurts out. "Thanks Mona." I give her s stern look which makes her turn away and stuff her food in her mouth. "Tell us everything." Lilly grips my hand sitting in. I turn to Mona who is looking at me with food packed into her mouth.

Great now all my friends now when this was a private thing at the moment. I make them swear not to tell anyone.

I get home and Max follows me in. "You could have told me Gracie." He shrugs. "I wanted this to my business until I knew this was something and me and Mike were on the same page." I dump my bag on the floor in the hallway and close the front door. "Wait Mike! There are two guys!" He shouts. "Michael and Mike are the same person. Mike is a nickname you dumb ass." I sass heading into the kitchen. I can hear his steps behind me. "Whoa shorty. I was just... never mind. So do you need help setting up tomorrow?" He wisely changes the subject. "Yes. But we are still on for our junk food, beer and movies tonight. You can stay over if you want." I smile. "I need to get in my comfy clothes." I shrug and race upstairs. "Be back in five!" Max yells and I hear the door slam.

Tonight we have watched movies on Netflix and had Indian takeout. Its midnight and me and Max are lead in my bed. "Max. I'm scared for tomorrow. What if my dad doesn't want his birthday after what happened?" I whisper. It is dark so I can only make out where he is. "He will love it. I promise. Is Michael coming?" He changes the subject. "He is actually." I answer. "If her ever hurt you. I will beat the crap out of him." I laugh. My eyes being to stutter and close.

10:35. Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-. I smack my alarm clock by leaning over Max and definitely waking him up. "Sorry. I'm crushing you." My voice cracks. "Please." He laughs and I climb over him. "Right! I jump. My voice sounding my better. I have made a schedule on what we have to do today. Lilly, Mona and Mike are coming round at eleven to hope then going home at four to get ready for six. So I'm going to put on my jeans and top and some makeup because I have to go and get the cake and other stuff. Dad should be at work by now and he gets home seven." Then the door bell goes off. "Who could that be?" I say. "I will get it you get dressed." I point at his clothes on the floor and rush downstairs. Who is that? I open the door and and Zachery is stood there. "Zachery!" I scream and jump into his tight embrace. My legs warped around his waits. "It hasn't been that long Little One." He puts me down and pats me on the head. "Don't tell anyone I gave you a hug." He smiles at me and I hit him on his arm. He looks past me. "Why you here so early? I thought you were getting here at five." He keeps looking past me. "Whose this?" He asks and I spin around on my toes and stop, almost falling over to see a shirtless Max. What is with the stereotypical muscles. "This is Max. He lives next door. Mrs Priers son. Last time you saw him he was wearing a shirt." I frown. "My shirt has beer on it so I need one." I moan, my head falling back so I'm looking at the ceiling. Then I turn to Zachery. "Please go get this moron a shirt please." And they leave me alone and I do an excited squeal.

Zachery sit next to me at the breakfast bar. "So are you two dating?" Whoa! Out of the blue much! "No were just good friends. Anyway. I have someone I'm seeing. We have only been on two date and he should be here in ten minuets so I need to go get dressed." I jump up. And begin to walk away but my head turns back to Zachery who is making cereal.

I come back downstairs in black leggings and jeans in one and a green top with black boots and a jacket. My glasses on and just some blush and eyeliner on my face. Max opened the door as I was doing my face. I grab my printed timetables for everyone. Even Zachery because you always need extras. That is just common sense. Is this overboard? No I don't think so... Or just a little.

Max, Zachery, Mona and Lilly are sat in the den

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Max, Zachery, Mona and Lilly are sat in the den. Then the doorbell goes off. I rush over to the door but Max, Lilly, Mona and Zachery take another route and beat me to opening the door. "Hi Michael. Welcome." Lilly smiles. Mona bobbing up and down and Max and Zachery stare him down.I push past them. "Sorry about them." I almost bash into him." But he just kisses me on the lips. WHAT?!?! "Please come in." I step back, allowing him to enter. "So you're dating my little sister." Zachery says sternly. "Knock it of Zachery we have work to do." I pull him into the den, everyone following behind me.

Once I have given everyone their separate schedules. Me and Max head of to the bakery.

"Hey. I have a cake to pick up for Grace Claymouth." I smile at the lady at the desk. "Sorry we are a bit behind today. It will be just over half an hour so you can come back then." She smiles and leaves us alone in the room. "Come on lets go get some coffee across the road." Max tugs on my arm.  

"Welcome to El Cine Cafe. What can I get for you?" The barista asks. A smile filling her face. "Can I get a tea please. With milk." Max ask. "Of course sir. And Miss?" Her head turns to me. "Soy latte please." I smile back at her.

Our drinks are given to us and we take them. They are in those light brown takeaway cups. We sit outside on a bench drinking them. Its not the warmest today. "Excited for tonight?" Max breaks asks. I just sip on my soy latte. 

To be continued...

Thanks for reading, written by Jess and Liv. Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter pretty much continues straight on. Love ya guys xx    

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