One Lucky Girl

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My name is Aaliyah Summers and I've always had a dream of moving to California and being in Playboy. I was in love with the art of it all, along with all the perks that came along with being a playmate.

The parties, the money, the fame, and the people that you meet it was all just so amazing. I worked very hard for years to make my dream reality, I had met tons of celebrities and was on plenty of magazine covers. I never really got “Starstruck” until one day when a very special guest showed up at the mansion.

This guest was someone who I looked at as an idol and was totally obsessed with him. Just a year or two ago before I started living in Mansion I had pictures of him all over my room.

 I went to one of his concerts with my best friend but until now I had never met him. This person was no other than Justin Bieber.

Justin contacted Heff  (Hugh Heffner) about bringing his dad to see how beautiful the mansion was and just spend the day.

The day before they were supposed to arrive at the mansion I was trying to find something to wear and out of all the clothes in my huge closet I couldn’t find the perfect outfit.

So I decided to go shopping with a few of the other girls to find something. Justin picked a great day to visit because that night there  a party at the mansion.

After hours of shopping I finally picked something. 

I woke up bright and early giving myself enough time to get ready before Justin and his father arrived. I took a shower and got dressed

 Then I applied her makeup and did my hair, with just an hour before they would be there I started getting super nervous. I didn’t want to freak out when he arrived because stars go there to get away from all the paparazzi and crazy fans so I have to keep my cool.

Hef called all the girls down stairs so we could greet Justin and Jeremy as they arrived. I was up front because I was one of Hef’s girls. The gates buzzer went off and as the gate opened Justin pulled up in his white Ferrari.

They rang the doorbell and Hef opened the door and all the girls said "hello" and hugged them both. I wanted to keep my cool and not let him know that inside I was screaming like a 5 year old who just received a pony. I smiled and said “Hello it’s very nice to meet you” and I hugged Justin and Jeremy.


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