I began to try and flood my mind with ideas. I might have been the only one here without powers, but that's what made me useful...

'Wait... I have powers...'

"Okay guys," I started, "I have an idea, but it is near insane."

"Lets hear it." Kon lisped as the room got silent, so I could speak.

"I think I could use my powers to get us out of here." I proclaimed.

I could practically feel the tension in the room, "you have powers?!" I heard Bart whisper-shout.

"Why have we never heard of this before?" Miguel questioned slightly irritated.

"Either way," Kon mentioned, "your powers are useless with the dampener in the room."

"My powers are not meta-human related. Plus, that doesn't matter right now," I pointed out, "look in order for me to use my powers I have to get my hands free."

"Well then your 'powers' are useless because if you haven't noticed, we are still cuffed together like cell mates." Bart blurted out sarcastically.

"That's where my plan comes in," I explained, trying to look over my shoulder towards Kon, "Kon, I'm gonna have to ask you to break my thumbs."

"What?!" Bart shouted, "are you insane?!"

"Alright everybody just calm down," Miguel tried to stay calm, but obviously this scared him a bit, "nobody needs to be breaking thumbs around here!"

"Why do you want me to break your thumbs?" Kon spoke in his usual stern voice.

"First off, I have the smallest wrist here, which would make it easier for me to slip out of these cuffs," I pointed out, "second, I trust you more than Kid Flash."


I shifted over a bit till I was comfortable and felt Kon take ahold of my hand, "Ready?" he asked.

"Just get it over with." I gulped.

Kon sighed, "Okay on the count of three..." I felt his grip get tighter around my hand, "1...2...crack"

The sickening sound of my bone cracked filled the room. I felt the sudden pain shot up to my hand and it took all my might to muffle my screams by biting my lower lip, probably drawing blood, "SON OF A--!"

"Woah," I heard Bart sneer, "watch it, potty mouth."

"As if you're any better..." I panted, trying to regain my breathing. I slowly began to slide my crippled hand out from the restraints. In the end, I managed to do it.

I began to move my other hand closer towards Kon, trying my best to ignore the pain I had on the opposite one.

"Are you sure you want me to do this," Kon asked, "there are other ways--"

"No," I cut him off, "we started this, we're finishing it..." this time he didn't count and immediately snapped my bone.

"God... DAMMIT!" I cried out. Tears formed at the edge of my eyes, threatening to spill, but I sniffled and carried out the pain. Once I got my other hand out, I just sat there and tried to breath.

"Are you okay?" I heard Miguel ask rather quietly.

"Yeah," I reassured, "just give me a minute." my heavy breaths began to die down as I concentrated more on my task.

I looked down at my thumbs, seeing the disoriented shape and swelling that began to form.

I focused all my energy on them trying to reduce the injury to a fracture or sprain. My powers were successful, but it wasted at least a good quarter of my energy.

I stood up and made my way over to the  device on the wall. I mustered up all my power to destroy the machine and to disable it.

The device fell to the ground as an effect to my powers. I stomped on it to be sure that my teammates were free, "The dampener is offline," I assured, "your powers should work now."

Almost as if on que, the boys broke out of the restraints. That's when I spotted a hidden camera in the corner of the room. The guards were probably on their way now.

I walked up to the camera and clenched my fist, immediately shattering the technology.

I sighed and began making my way toward the exit. That's when I felt a sudden wave of dizziness wash over me.

Kid Flash and Bunker were immediately at my side helping me up as Superboy stood in front of us, looking at me worriedly.

Kid Flash and Bunker wrapped my arms over their shoulders to give me extra support for standing. Once the three of us were completely standing, Superboy extended his hand, placing it on my forehead.

"You're burning up." he stated clearly.

"Yeah, it's a side affect to using my powers." I sighed, removing my arms from the two boys who had helped me. I turned and faced all of them and smiled weakly before walking off, "But trust me, I've been through worse."

"What could possibly be worse then this?" Bunker questioned as I began to walk ahead of the three.

I stopped in my tracks, letting the question sink into my brain to process, "Death." I mumbled barley audible for them to hear, but I'm sure they heard my response...


I would've posted this earlier, but I had trouble ending it off good.

Anyways, I start school tomorrow and may not be able to post later this week.

Thanks for all of the support❤


What I've Become :  Tim Drake X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now