A Small Trip

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Your P.O.V

~One Month Later~

"What are we doing here again?" I asked Tim while walking next to him. You see, Tim had this big idea to take us on a "small trip" to the beach. And by us I mean The Teen Titans.

To sum it all up, we are a bunch of teenagers with a backstory, well except for Kid Flash, AKA Bart Allen. He doesn't remember anything prior to seven months ago.

Tim and I haven't reveled our identities yet, so everyone just calls us little nicknames or our hero names. For example, we usually call Tim Red and they usually call me Birdy since Tim calls me it all the time. Hopefully we can tell them out identities soon...

Tim shrugged, "We spend to much time working that we never have enough time to relax."

"And by relax you mean hearing Bart rant on about random things?" I raised an eyebrow watching the speedster zoom through the sand, shouting various words.

"Something like that." Tim quoted.

"Hey, Red?" Miguel spoke suddenly walking up to us, "why are we the only ones on the beach?" Miguel Jose Barragan, also goes by Bunker. Basically, he has the power to create and control psionic bricks.

I looked at Tim with a shocked look, knowing what he did, "You rented the whole beach?!" He nodded. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "You're unbelievable."

"Well when half of your friends are meta-humans it's hard to go places." Tim clarified.

"He has a point." Miguel stated before walking away, causing Tim to smirk.

"Don't even." I nudged Tim's side playfully, making him laugh a little. Superboy and Wondergirl approached us as we walked to a perfect spot.

"So why the beach?" Wondergirl questioned. Her real name is Cassie Sandsmark and we learned she not to profound of the name "Wondergirl".

"For a while, everyone's been asking me if we can go to the beach," Tim explained, "besides, it was a cheep price to rent."

Cassie's eyes went wide, "You rented the beach?!"

"That's exactly what I said." I mused, shaking my head a little.

"I know I came out of a test tube a few weeks ago, but I'm not stupid. That's a lot of money." Superboy confessed. We have agreed to call him Kon since his real name is Kon-el.

We finally found a good spot where a cliff was. Cassie and I began setting up beach chairs for everyone, while Kon, Tim, and Miguel helped unpack bags.

 Cassie and I began setting up beach chairs for everyone, while Kon, Tim, and Miguel helped unpack bags

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A few minuets later, Bart and Kiran came back with an ice chest.

Oh I didn't finish introductions. Kiran Singh. She is the brightest person you'd probably ever meet mostly because that's her power. Although her physical appearance is not human thanks to being held by N.O.W.H.E.R.E., but now she goes by Solstice.

What I've Become :  Tim Drake X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now