Chapter Twenty: Earth Angel

Start from the beginning

"It's time to go." Mark said, grabbed your hand and you took Dark's as well. You all appeared back in the bunker, still sitting in your same spots. You looked over to see that Mark's entire body had a bright white glow surrounding it.

"What's happening?" You leaned over to Dark. You were concerned, his process was different compared to Dark's.

"Mark's body is adjusting. Now that he possesses knowledge of his Angelic form, his powers are coming back to him." Dark sat back and watched the process, as did you. It was over within a matter of minutes and Mark slumped forward. His hair fell in his face, but you could see a smirk form on his lips.

"I'm back, baby!" His wings jutted out behind him as he jumped up excitedly and grabbed your hand. You felt a tingle rush through your body and you were no longer paralyzed. You struggled to stand, your legs were still slightly weak. Mark put an arm around your waist, steadying you until you could stand on your own.

You looked into Mark's eyes and saw them glowing their bright white. You looked over to Dark, who was smiling at Mark. Dark's eyes were also alight with their brilliant gold color. You were feeling kinda left out with your lame, non-shining, human eyes.

"Dark," Mark stared at his creation with guilt displayed plainly on his features. "I'm sorry." You were confused as to what he was apologizing for, but Dark seemed to know. Dark actually went up and hugged Mark. Yeah, you read that right, he hugged Mark. They no longer appeared to enemies, but instead, they seemed like brothers.

"I must apologize as well." Dark said, stepping back from Mark with his hands behind his back. Both of their eyes went back to their normal color.

"So," You cut in when they finished having their moment. "What now?"

Mark glanced over to Dark and smirked at him. Dark smirked back and they rushed at you. They both gripped one of your arms and in a poof, you were high in the sky. You screamed, sure that they were going to drop you, but their grip on your upper arms was secure. Your body should be dangling uncomfortably, but it wasn't. You were facing the same direction as them and your body felt light as a feather.

You stared at the area around you, noticing that the three of you were heading for a mountain. Once you got there, they landed on a flat area where the ridge was big enough for all three of you to lay comfortably. Their wings faded away and their eyes were back to brown.

You were hesitant to sit, due to the snowy ground, but Dark cleared an area for the three of you. You noticed how cold you should be, but you weren't.

You picked your spot and the pair sat down on either side of you, each taking hold of your hand. You stared off into the horizon, the sun was dipping slightly below it.

"Where are we, anyways?" You asked, looking to both of your boys only to find them staring back at you. They both looked so happy and it rubbed off on you.

"Nepal, Asia." Dark answered simply, watching the gears turn in your brain. You widened your eyes, having a pretty good idea where you were.

"Are we on what I think we're on?" A wide smile spread across your face.

"Mount Everest." Mark cut in, smiling at you. You giggled like a little kid with excitement, you were on the tallest mountain in the entire world! On top of all that, you were there with the two people you loved most.

"Thank you, for everything." You wrapped your arms around both of their necks and pulled their heads towards you. You let them go and you all sat in silence, enjoying the view. The sun had almost gone down and a thought entered your mind that you couldn't quell.

"What's up?" Mark said, noticing your perturbed expression.

"I don't want to ruin a perfect moment." You tried to brush it off, but Mark wasn't going to let up this time.

"Talk to us." Mark said and you had Dark's attention, too. You felt guilty for even thinking about it right now, but your mind would not relent.

"What did The Host mean? How can I choose only one of you? I can't, I just can't. Why is the universe pressuring me so hard into doing something that will hurt all of us? Why can't we be happy? What if I lose one of you?" You noticed your throat tightening and you clenched your jaw. Both Dark and Mark scooted closer to you and wrapped an arm around you.

"You won't have to make that choice." Mark said, holding your right hand in his free one.

"We will protect you if need be." Dark said this time, taking your left hand in his free one.

"Promise?" You asked, a smile pricking the corner of your lips.

"Promise." They both said in unison, holding you close. You all sat in peace again, the sun had finally gone down. Their warm embrace made you want to stay there forever, but you knew you couldn't. You gently maneuvered out of their hold and stood. You waved at them to come with you and they followed your actions. They took hold of your upper arms and in a poof, you were back home.

You wrapped your arms around Dark's neck and gave him a tender kiss. You would never get tired of the feeling of his lips on yours. He hugged you close for a few seconds and went off to his bedroom.

"Do I get a goodnight kiss, too?" Mark teased and you grinned at him. You kissed him the same way you did Dark, but hugged Mark for a little longer. The security was nice.

"Goodnight, Markimoo." You let him go and Mark went off to wander the halls of the bunker. You wondered where he was going, but after today, your body was exhausted. You decided to put this day to rest and pushed away your thoughts. You flopped down on your bed and waited for the darkness to take you.
A/N: The next chapter is going to take a little longer to come out because I don't have it drafted. I decided to add it in last minute, but I think you guys will like it just the same.

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