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five days later at night- swasan were sleeping and when swara was having a painful expression. she was slightly moving her position to feel comfortable but not in any way was her discomfort subsiding. she was sweating a bit although the ac was on. finally giving up she opened her eyes and sat up slowly holding her belly without disturbing sanskar's sleep. she breathed in and out multiple times to relax herself but nothing worked.

she thought to walk for some time and hence got down the bed and moved to and fro painfully with slow motion. she was feeling suffocated and went in balcony but nothing was working. tears rolled down as she tried to control her pain but she miserably failed. but still adamant not to disturb sanskar she kept on trying. but not anymore. she has been doing everything possible but now can't. the pain started in evening but it was for a while and then she felt like this till she came to bed but when it increased she decided to somehow relax herself but no it was time.

due to the unavoidable shear pain she felt she collapsed on floor sliding holding the balcony railing and finally cried loud.

swara- aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

swara- aaahhhhh sanskar.......sanskarrrrrrr.......maaaa...........aaahhhhhh........sanskarrrr

sanskar who was sleeping got disturbed because of the noise. for the first time this noise came he ignored but when again he heard the same noise he slightly opened his eyes a bit annoyed unaware of the fact that it is swara's painful cries and shouts. he looked around only to get tensed not finding swara and next moment he froze hearing her painful loud cry. he instantly rose up and made his way to balcony completely tensed.

seeing swara's state he was dazzled not knowing how to react.

sanskar- [rushing to swara] swara......[cupped her face with one hand and other wrapped around her] swara you alright. [wiped her tears] swara what happened.

swara- [holding his hand on her face tight and other on her belly] sanskar.........it's unbearable..........aaaahhhhh [more tears flowed down her cheeks] sans...skarrr....i can't take it..more.......aaahhhhh..... hospital.........[turning her heads right and left because of pain] aaahhhhh........aahhhhhh.....sanskar......do....aahhhh.......somethinggg......aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

sanskar- swara.....hold....on i am here.......

sanskar panicked what to do.

sanskar- swara just a minute.....i will be here......one minute.....

swara's condition was getting worse. sanskar ran out of room and knocked sumi's door while calling tanmay.

sumi opened the door and puzzled seeing sanskar

sumi- sanskar need something.

sanskar- maa....swara...she is in pain....[tanmay received call almost at the end] [on call] tanmay come here. we need to rush swara to hospital. you come here please.[getting positive reply he rushed back to swara with sumi who was shocked]

while going in room he called nikita and told her swara's condition.

both came and saw swara was crying miserably due to pain holding the railing with one hand and other on the belly.

sanskar lifted her and moved towards car and till then due to commotion raglak and shekhar too got up and came out to see what happened. seeing sanskar carrying swara out who was in terrible condition they were shocked and understood that they are moving to hospital. sanskar properly placed swara on back seat. till then uttmay too came running.

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