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time passes with it's own speed. it's us who feel it differently according to our situation. like when we wait for someone it feels that time has stopped and when we are sad it feels like ages passed but that painful era of life doesn't. and when it's turn of happiness it is like the moment ended even before it started. this is the fact of life and our perception about time.

similar thought was running in sanskar's mind who was lying facing swara who was sleeping . she is somewhere in the mid of her fifth month of pregnancy. being tired she is in deep sleep but her prince is waiting for something and during waiting these thoughts crossed his mind.

he is thinking that how those painful times have been like ages and killing and destroying him. at that time how hard was it for all of them to pass a day. but when happiness knocked it's door then how those beautiful four and half years passed in a blink it feels. swasan patch up, swayyam's birth and his childhood and then uttmay's love and wedding. he meeting rashika and there small beautiful world.

then the dreadful day of swayyam's kidnapping and those hours of him being away from swayyam and swara and swara's condition in hospital and the following few days till they sorted out everything. such a difficult phase of life and now after that they are here when swara is again pregnant with their second child and how eagerly are they waiting for that moment for the child to come out and they taking it in their arms and how dearly they want it to be their baby girl.

swayyam the most adorable kid with his own understanding calls the baby as his as swara told him. it's his task to make swara drink milk. he kind of orders her sometime like- 'mumma drink the milk. my baby will be hungry. if you will drink it my baby will be strong'...hahhaa [sanskar chuckled slightly] he thinks of how he himself taught swayyam these things so that his work to make swara drink milk becomes easy.

with his thoughts he concluded that the phase they are in is mixture of all the phases. their wait and their happiness makes them feel time to be long or sometimes short. but whatever it is it is beautiful. thinking about all these sanskar saw the clock strike 12 am [midnight] he smiled and first thanked god and then looked at swara. he leaned towards her.

sanskar- [slowly and lovingly whispered in her ears] princess get up.[swara turned her head otherside] swara princess get up naa please.

swara slowly opened her eyes to see sanskar sitting beside her with a smile on his face.

swara- [irritated and sleepy voice] hmmm sanskar....i want to sleep. why are you disturbing me. baby is also sleepy so let me sleep.

sanskar pecked her forehead and slightly caressed her face making swara smile and frown at the same time. smile to feel his love but frown for this timing as it is disturbing her sleep.

sanskar- [against her ears] happy birthday princess.

swara hearing it just hmmmed but after few seconds opened her eyes in excitement.

swara- 12 baj gaye. [is it 12 o'clock.]

sanskar- [smiled] yes. happy birthday [pecked her lips]

swara smiled and sat but still feeling sleepy.

swara- thank you. [kissed on his cheeks and kept her head on his chest and closed her eyes]

sanskar- [caressing her hairs] all must be coming to wish you anytime.

swara- sanskar i am still sleepy.[gripped on his waist more]

sanskar- i know but just for few minutes. they will wish and then go. accha won't you ask your gift.

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