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it was the next morning of swayyam's birthday.

swara woke up and saw sanskar was staring her. as soon as sanskar saw swara awake he wished her.

sanskar- good morning swara.[kissed her forehead]

swara- [smiled] good morning. [hugged him in her sleepy state]

sanskar caressed her hair.

swara- sanskar what is the time?

sanskar- 6:45 a.m.

swara- [moved out of hug] what 6:45 and you did not wake me up earlier. i have to prepare breakfast and swayyam, we have to wake him up for school.

swara got up and folded her hairs and made a bun. sanskar too got up.

sanskar- [holding her from shoulders] relax swara. you take care of yourself and our new member and rest i will see. don't panic.

swara- what sanskar. how will you manage things. first let's go and wake him up and make him ready.

sanskar- ssshhhhh i am going to wake him up. you first freshen up and here your coconut water is kept so have it.

swara- please sanskar. i hate having it. during swayyam's time i have to drink it everyday and now again you are torturing me with this. arre you want to give something then give me pickles and something sour. not this coconut water everyday.

sanskar- i don't know anything. i will give you all you want but this is necessary so you have to drink it. i am going to wake up swayyam.

swara- but i....

sanskar- no excuses.

sanskar went out of room without giving any heed to swara requests. swara made faces and murmured under her breath.

here sanskar woke up swayyam and took him to bathroom to make him bath. swara got ready, unwillingly drank coconut water and then came in kitchen.

kamala bai was already present there preparing for breakfast. sumi has done half of the preparation and went to see ayush. swara fastly started preparing breakfast with help of kamala bai. breakfast was almost prepared when she heard noises from hall. she came out and saw swayyam running down the stairs and sanskar coming behind him holding swayyam's shirt.

sanskar- champ don't run and quietly wear the shirt. champ...

swayyam ran towards the kitchen through hall way and hid behind swara. [swayyam is only wearing his pants] he covered himself with swara's saree pallu. swara was smiling [actually stopping her laugh] seeing both of them.

sanskar stopped in front of swara.

sanskar- [to swara] see him. running all the way without his shirt.

sanskar- [to swayyam] champ come out and wear your shirt. i will get angry now.

swayyam- mumma see papa is scolding me. he don't know how to wear shirt and saying me that i don't stand properly. you make me wear it and teach papa.

sanskar was standing open mouth listening swayyam and swara laughed. raglak who came in hall listening the sounds heard what swayyam said and they too laughed.

sanskar- [to swayyam] accha bacchu i don't know to wear shirt. come out and i will show you.

sanskar tried to hold him and swayyam was running around swara while she was standing in between and laughing at their act.

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