Twenty Eight

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[ Yoongi POV ]

I woke up to see how cute Mia was . I could not help but to smile . We were so close to each other on the bed . My nose touched hers and I decided to rub my nose against hers . She didn't move a muscle .

" Mia , watch as I hold the world in my hands " I said .

I cupped her small cute face in my hands . She was half-asleep . She realised what I meant and smiled at me shyly then covered her face with the blanket on her . I squeezed her cheeks so tightly when she reacted like that . How can someone be cuter than me .

After showering , I saw how adorable she looked like sleeping on the bed . Tugged in bed with both her hands held together and used it as her head rest . Her small figure hugged tightly into a small fluffball .

I figured she was too tired from last night and is feeling very cold considering the weather outside currently is 59°F . I pulled up the blanket for her so that she would not feel so cold . I kissed her forehead .

" sleep well ~ " I whispered in her ear .

I wanted to make breakfast but the moment I opened the fridge and cupboards in the kitchen , it was all empty . Great now I have to get my lazy ass out of the house . I went back into my room to whisper to her that I will be out to the grocery store for a while . She replied with a simple " mm "

I grab my car keys and went to the grocery store at the mall . I can't believe I'm going here early in the morning . As I was in the midst of shopping , Mia sent me a text message . She said that she would be at the bridge to release her stress .

Ok . Be safe . I love you <3 <3

I replied her just in case she would do something there , I reminded her that I love her . I grabbed a lot of different kinds of meat and vegetables to cook for later . I grabbed a bunch of snacks because Mia and I are unhealthy little humans . My shopping cart is half-filled with chocolates , potato chips and candies .

After paying for the stuff , I carried those heavy plastic bags all the way to the parking lot . While putting those plastic bags into the back of my car , Mindy was there and saw me . She came up to me and started blabbering . I ignored her .

I got into my car and was ready to drive off but Mindy suddenly got into my car . I was shocked at the same time annoyed by her . She then talked about us being together and about the incident in the toilet .

I parked my car in the parking lot of my apartment . I ignored her all the way but she continued talking to me . When I went into my apartment , I immediately close the door behind me . " Bye Mindy " I yelled annoyingly without looking back .

However , she entered my apartment without my permission . I scanned the room and the boys are in my apartment too . Jin and Hoseok were in the kitchen cooking while the rest are on my couch watching television .

" Why is Mindy here ? "

" Hi Yoongi . Hi Mindy "

" Where is Mia ? "

A lot of questions were asked by them to me . I do not know how to answer . They are used to seeing me getting angry but are still scared of that side of me but I've had enough of Mindy . She kept on flirting with me . She kept touching me and tried to cute all to herself . I look at her in disgust .

I looked around before quietly scolding her , " Mindy , I swear you better get the fuck out of my house right now "

She ignored me and continued doing whatever she was doing . She went into my room and looked around . " You fucked with her didn't you " she asked .

" It is none of your fucking business . Get the fuck out " I yelled as I entered the room .

She shrugged off as she brushed a strand of her hair . She casually sat on my bed and remove her underwear . She was wearing a tight dress that is three quarter long so I wasn't able to see it . She move backwards on the bed until she is leaning against the wall .

She took my phone that was lying on the nightstand and called someone . She then started moaning on the phone and yelled my name . I realised the caller ID is Mia . Before I was able to say anything , Mia hung up her phone .

Everyone in the house witness everything but I know Mia and she would not want to trust any of us again . A few minutes later , she returned home and saw everything . I was pissed off by Mindy that I unintentionally used my anger on Mia as well .

We had a fight and I almost slapped her . Thank God , Taehyung and Jungkook held onto Mia and comforted her and that Jin stopped me from using violence on Mia . Mia then ran out of the house crying . Jungkook chased after her .

I started cursing and yelling at Mindy . She stood outside of my room quietly . I flipped the table before sitting down on the sofa . I ruffled and pulled my own hair while screaming to release my anger over what happened .

Jin then sat next to me and consoled me .

" Yoongi , do you love her ? "

" Yea .. "

" how much ? "

" Why does it matter "

" Why does it not ? "

" because it wasn't enough for her to stay "

" If you really love her , and if you really want her to stay , then you have to go and chase after her . You know her so well . You know what she might do " Jin said as he shook me with both his hands on my shoulders .

Everyone else in the house followed me into the car as I drive to where I think she might be .


A/N: ola . sry for the late update . im so busy with sch zz . anyways enjoy reading <3 <3

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