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I woke up in a familiar room . It took me awhile to clear my vision . I stood out of the queen size bed and I felt even dizzier but I managed to reached to the door and open it .

The bright light in the living room made it hard for me to see . Suddenly , two boys held onto me to prevent me from falling . They carefully put me on the grey couch before sitting next to me .

I tried recalling my recent memory and I only remembered me going into the bathroom . Questions start popping up in my mind .

" What happened ? " I asked .

" Don't you remember ? You hit your forehead against the wall until it bled and you fainted , " Jungkook replied .

" Of course she can't remember . Her brain cells died , " Taehyung continued .

" Luckily Yoongi was right outside the bathroom when the janitor tried to find for help . He was the one who aid you , wash you and help you change , " Jimin added .

I realised that there was plaster stuck onto my forehead . Jin decided to call Yoongi that I am already awake . All of them were buzzing so much about Yoongi .

In that one day he did so much for me .. He aid me , he pick up my siblings as I can see them sleeping in their room he even actually took the time to wash me and change my clothes .

I felt so embarrass that Yoongi , a boy , changed me . Especially , when six more knew about it . My face was redder than a blood .

A few minutes later , Yoongi returned home with a plastic bag full of first aid stuff . He is in his black coat and his blonde platinum hair was part into two while wearing those black spectacles with no lenses . He looked cute I guess ..

" Where is Mia ? Come sit here , " he gestured me .

We are in the dining room . He put the black leather chairs face to face . I sat on one and he sat on the other . He cleaned my wound and changed the plaster on my forehead with a new one .

I had to pull back my fringe and hold it up there so he can wound me easier . It was an awkward silence for me .

I didn't know where to look and I ended up looking into his eyes . He was focusing on cleaning my wound that his eyes became cross-eyed .

I couldn't help but smile . He caught me smiling at him . He looked at me and roared at me quietly while approaching closer to my face .

It was so close that our nose touched each other and so did our lips . We were laughing so hard but silently so we don't get attention . Apparently , we did . Jin caught us when he went into the kitchen .

" Aigoo this couple here . Please go get a room , " he shouted unpleasingly .

We stopped our shenanigans and he continued doing his thing . After he is done with it , he carefully grab my wrist and pulled it close to him .

I quickly pulled it away . He handed out his hand telling me to show him my wrists .

I slowly showed him . He was rubbing his thumb on my slashes . Then Jimin came in .

"Oh ! Yoongi has those too , " Jimin said in a shock manner .

Yoongi Immediately said , " I know 101 ways to hide dead bodies . Please shut up and get out thank you "

I am shook . What does Yoongi have ? Does he have those slashes on his wrists too .

"I'm confiscating all your blades , pills and maybe even your money . Don't worry I will buy food and everything . I'm just making sure you stay away from them "

Yoongi then pulled up his sleeves and showed me his slashes . Some looked new and recent . He starts asking a lot of questions related to self-harming or suicide .

" Do you have this anywhere else ? "

" on m-my ... th-ighs "

" Any other attempts of suicide or self-harming ? "

" starving .. overdosing .. "

" when did you start all this ? "

" uhm .. sixth grade "

I was stuttering as I answered them . The last question hit me because I never knew someone actually do care about and I managed to open my heart for him .

" I .. lo-like you .. Please don't die . For me . Okay ? "

He pulled me into a hug and comforted me . I replied him by hugging him back . I started crying on his shoulders .



This is longer than expected but okay

The cringe it took to write this . The ending is kinda sad . Oh my heartue

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