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[ Yoongi's Story ]

I lost everything . My parents , my friends . It all started in middle school . People called me names such as ' pregnant boy ' and more because for my bloated belly . It was funny at first but then it got intense .

I told them to stop because its hurtful but they refuse . They started teasing me . I told the teachers about it but all they do was ask them to stop . Zero percent effort in there .

Aren't teachers suppose to keep students safe and against bullying . I started dieting just so they can stop . No matter how much I ask them to stop they won't .

I went from starving for 14 hours to 20 hours to a whole day and maybe even up to four days going without any food . At most I would drink warm water a few times .

At the end of the year we needed to take our height and weight and take down the difference in them and check our BMI . I guess I lost a lot of weight and became severely underweight but people still calls me fat pig and stuff .

I wasn't happy with myself . I feel like I could do better . I continued to starve at the same time go for some exercise . I took a before and after picture of myself and I could see the difference .

My legs were as skinny as Girls Generation's legs , my belly is flat , my collarbones and jawline are visible . But it was still not good enough .

People at school were body-shaming me . They said my legs looked like a girl's one , my belly doesn't have any abs and that my arms are too flabby . I will never be satisfied until my weight reaches zero .

That one time when I couldn't take it anymore , I started beating people up at the school hallway at that point of time and got expelled . I transferred school and that's when I met Namjoon , Jungkook and Taehyung .

We had similar problems . However in seventh grade , I got expelled . I vandalize school property even after given three warnings . My parents died in a car accident . They were heading home by taking a cab . But the fucking driver was drunk and collided with a truck .

I realised that hurting myself is better than to hurt others . That was when I started slashing my wrists , arm and thighs . I also started overdosing .

So in eighth grade is where I met Hoseok and Jin . But I got expelled for not listening to the teachers . I don't hand up my work , I basically don't do anything in school . People started thinking I have a problem .

That is where I ended up here and met Jimin and Mia .



Gahhhhdd I shld stop putting personal emo stuff in here ;-;

Anyways hope you enjoy!!

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