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I talked to my boss if I am able to leave work for a bit so that I can fetch my brother . And since there is no one at home to take care of him , I need him to be at work . My boss allowed me to do so and I heaved a sigh of relief .

My boss is a really kind one but he can be strict at times .

After picking up Kai from school , I put him in the kitchen near the fridge to avoid danger .

" Do you want anything to eat or drink ? " I asked politely while using hand gestures .

I gave him a small piece of chicken sandwich and a bottled water . I was really busy at the counter taking orders and serving them the food . It was a full house that day .

It was so busy I needed to do things twice as fast . I was so frustrated with people . No one was giving way for me . I don't care if you hate me or not but i need to serve people their food and drinks .

I kept yelling " Excuse me " to people and they were rolling their eyes at me . Fucking idiots , I need to serve people .

I had to serve a few hot drinks to people . On my tray was a cappuccino , white caffe mocha and two hot chocolate . I was yelling " Excuse me to a few people then I tripped and fall .

The hot drinks spilled . Some were on me but one of the drinks got onto someone else . I turned around and death stared the person .

It was Mindy the most popular kid in school . I don't understand why people like her so much . Just because she is rich and can get whatever she wants in a snap . But she is mean as fuck .

Suddenly , two people approached to help me . Yoongi was there and my ex , Zach . I don't trust both of them . I got up by myself while the two pick up the broken pieces of the mugs . I went over to the irritated customer .

" Urgh ! Look what you have done ! You spilled coffee all over my important documents . No wonder you're so ugly and have no friends ," she scoffed .

" Hey ! It was an accident okay . She would not want to purposely do it . And it's not nice to say that because I'm really sure she isn't ugly and she does have someone she can trust ," Yoongi steps up .

I've heard a bunch of those and it doesn't hurt me . But why would they help me . Especially Zach who is Mindy's current boyfriend .

I wiped the spills . Both were trying to comfort me and offer me help but I rejected . " I said I'm fine ! "

" Oh come one Zach why are helping this poor kid , " laughed Mindy .

" Excuse me . Who the fuck are you to say that to her , " Yoongi immediately replied .

" What ? Don't you know her ? She killed her parents and now that she has no one to help her , she is obviously poor . People in this school are rich . You are rich aren't you , " she mocked .

" That doesn't mean you can bully her however you wish . How do you know if she killed her parents . You know her name but you don't know her story , " he said through gritted teeth .

" hah . wha- " she was cut off .

" I recommend you to leave right now , " he snapped .

She left and I was there hearing all those things . Those words were deep but it didn't get me . I wasn't going to be fooled again . I don't know if I can trust him .



oh fml school is starting soon so i prob take a super long time to finsih the book ;-;

Anyways , enjoy reading ! Hope you can continue to support me !1!1!

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