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yAy school is back . Yoongi and I went to school together along with Riley and Mia . After sending them off , we head to our school .

He parked his rich ass red porsche at the parking lot with a few other rich cars by rich people . But what the difference between them and Yoongi is that they are mean bullies but Yoongi isn't one .

We walked to all the way to my locker while holding hands . When we reached my locker , he gave me a peck on the cheek and said goodbye .

I watched him as he left for first period . I shyly smiled to myself as I turned to face my locker .

When I opened my locker and grab my books for first period , Mindy and her ' gang ' came .

She pushed me down and her gang started tearing the pages in all my books .

While some others were kicking me in the stomach , pulling my hair and punching my face . Mindy just stood there shaming me .

" look at this pathetic slut ! aww are you in pain ? Where is your precious boy when you need him . I guess he just doesn't want to him . Don't dream of being with someone rich like him . You're just a pathetic slutty bitch . You don't deserve someone like him . In fact , you don't deserve to be with anyone , " she chuckled .

I felt really hurt and mad at her . I took the risk to fight back  . I pushed down the girls who were beating and said , " maybe you don't deserve anyone with your shitty attitude " .

Her mouth gapped open and I got a lot more beating from them .
Suddenly , Jin came to stop this .

He pick me up carefully . The girls walk off while rolling their eyes .

Jin held my chin with his big hands to take a look at the scars and wounds on my face . He brought me to the nurse .

Without realising , my left arm was around his neck and his right arm was around my waist . I was trying my best to walk but it was really painful .

I could feel someone staring at me . From the corner of my eye , i could see Jin staring at me . I pretended not to know so I winced in pain on purpose. 

After school , Yoongi was supposed to pick me up but he didn't .. I waited for him at the school entrance for almost 2 hours .

Maybe Mindy was right .. Who would want me .. Then Jin came and sent me home instead .

I went home to see everyone trying to comfort Yoongi . He locked himself in his room .

I asked everyone what happened to Yoongi but even they don't know what happened .

Fortunately , I have the key of his room . I opened the door and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed with a lighter . His stares were really scary .

I immediately grab the lighter and put it away from him .

" Look ! I didn't slash . So you shouldn't do anything stupid too okay " I tried consoling .

He pushed me away .

" What's the fucking point anyway " he said to me coldly .

I was really confused .

" What is wrong with you . You were suppose to pick me up but I ended up going home with Jin but I didn't complain " I raised my voice .

" Yep . Of course it's Jin . Who else am I right ? " he went out of the room .

The conversation got intense . Everyone looked scared of what is currently happening .

" what ? What are you talking about " I asked .

" what ? You were with Jin in school weren't you . You allowed him to hold you so tight . Only I can do that ! " he answered in a loud voice .

" you are jealous aren't you " I scoffed .

" who ! Who the fuck is jealous here . I'm just mad thst you are actually going out with someone else " he replied immediately .

" excuse me . Jin came to help me when I was being kicked around like some kind of trash . Where were you when I needed you huh " I yelled at him .

" I was going to but you were already with him " he spoke coldly .

I let the evening went pass ,  sleeping on the couch . I couldn't believe what happened . We had a fight ...

It was late at night and I decided to go to the bridge to release my anger and stress .

As I was walking across the empty streets , I saw a familiar figure in front of me . He wanted to cross the road . I decided to follow him from behind .

He just walked across the road without realising that there is a car ahead . My eyes widended at what might happen .

" Yoongi ! " I screamed at the top if my lungs .

I pushed him away from the car and the next thing I know , I was lying on the floor . My vision became blurry and blacked out .

A/N :
sry for the late update zzz . Im having trouble with school .

Its hard to cope yanoe

Anyways hope you enjoy reading this :)

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