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School today was as terrible as other days but it was involving Zach and Mindy . I hated them so much . So today was a slightly worse day . I guess .

I was at my locker getting my stuff for next lesson which is History . Then Zach came and was disturbing me . I was making it obvious that I don't want him to be there and that I don't care .

" uh hey "

" what do you want ? "

" I was thinking maybe we could go out sometimes "

I rolled my eyes .

" No .. I mean we can go out . You know as friends ? "

" Nope . Don't want to "

" Oh come on Mia ! You know you want to "

" Urgh seriously Zach . I said no "

I slammed my locker door and left him . But he was following me and still talking to me . Then he grabbed my hand tight .

" Let go of me !! " I screamed .

Mindy came into the scene . She was giving me that evil look . Something is about to happen . She shamed me . She slut-shamed me and she body-shamed me .

I am okay with her calling me fat but slut-shaming was a bit too much . But yet , not doing anything about it .

" What are you doing with my boyfriend , Mia ! " she yelled .

Then she started laughing .

" OMG . Hey everyone ! Can I have your attention please . Do you see this girl over here . She broke up with my current boyfriend and she is trying to get him back ? Holding hands and all . Of course she enjoys doing all these . Because that's what sluts do , " she screamed blissfully .

My blood boils and I was going to do something about it ... I walked past her and head for History class . History was boring and I got bored in class .

I took out my blades started slashing on my wrists one by one under the table . Little by little blood started dripping . Watching me do this makes me laugh to myself .

" Yes is there something you would like to share Mia , " asked the teacher .

" Oh no sir . I have absolutely nothing to share about , " I quickly replied .

I slashed one more time even deeper when saying the word 'nothing' .



What do you guise think abt this chpt ? A lil spoiler ..

The next one is abt the same thing but Yoongi's POV heh pls enjoy !! Thankuuu !!1!!1!!

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