Twenty Four

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It was a 5 days 4 nights stay and was time to go back home the following day .

It was the afternoon when we decided to go to beach . When we reached there , everyone was mesmerised by the sceneries .

There were a lot of extreme activities there too . We did not managed to go all of them .

We took a tram to get our way to the beach . That while place is an island and there were many beaches in it . There are amusement parks and shopping malls .

When we arrived at our destination , we saw a bridge that leads to a small island . There was also a zip line . We all wanted to take it but considering Kai is too young , someone has to walk with him to the other side .

Hoseok happily volunteered to do so . We all laughed at him because we knew he was scared of heights .

One by one we zipped . It was a really fun experience . As the guy pushed me with much force , I could feel the strong breeze across my face . I yelled my way across .

As soon as I took off my helmet , my hair was all over the place . I went down the stairs with Yoongi to meet Hoseok , Kai and Taehyung .

We enjoyed the scenery before coming back to the main beach . As we were walking back via the bridge , Yoongi took aesthetic photos of me . The sky was pinkish purple as it was in the evening .

The bridge was no so high but was close to the shallow sea . Suddenly , someone started shaking the unstable bridge . It scared the shit out of me and I yelled at the top of my lungs .

The bridge is made out of ropes and logs so there were big spaces between each log . I lost my balance and fell but Yoongi was on time and grabbed me by my waist to stable my balance .

My human instinct quickly grabbed Yoongi's shoulders . We both made eye contact . He looked at me with concern filled his eyes .

From the corner of my eye , I could see the jealous side of Jungkook . He didn't stick his tongue out but stick it to the side of his cheek and eye rolled at us .

I pretended not to see it but I was afraid . It was going to be night time soon but we wanted to ride on the jet skis . Jin decided to look after Kai while we were playing . Everyone took a pair . And without hesitation Yoongi and I immediately become a pair .

Yoongi was facing me but I could see Jungkook in the background and he looked really mad . What is his problem ? Im not his and neither is he mine . I squinted my eyes . Yoongi noticed and turned around then turned back to face me with his confused look .

Me and Yoongi took turns to ride it . He rode it first . I held onto his waist as he rides it . When it was my turn , he hugged my waisr and rest his head on my shoulder .

" uwwahh riding this is fun ! " I screamed .

" but not as fun as riding on me am I right " he whispered while giving me a smirk before giving me a peck on the cheek .

I laughed at how cute he looks when I agreed with him .

We decided that it was time to get rest as we are leaving the next day .


We got onto the car . The trip is super long but I enjoyed it because that means that I get to sleep a lot .
Jungkook purposely became the last person to enter the car just so he could sit beside me . I could tell I wouldn't enjoy the ride .

In the middle of the trip back home , everyone asleep including me but Jungkook woke me up . He slipped his hands in between my thighs which jolted me awake . He brush through my hair slowly .

" tsk ahh . Why are you even with him . Haven't I told you . He is just using you . Remember you were the biggest victim of bully . He wanted to see if he could take your virginity considering you don't trust anyone . And maybe you shouldn't trust him too "

" stop .  I don't trust you " I stopped him .

" it's okay . You don't have too . But just wait " he whispered before biting my ear .

He reached for my mouth and kissed it . He kissed it slowly and passionately . It started to heat up when he slipped his tongue in . I got lost in it but I realised what I was doing was wrong and immediately stopped him .

He didn't stop and continued to try to kiss me but I pushed him so hard he hit the car door . He death stared me but stayed on his lane .

I felt afraid at that point of time . I hugged Yoongi who was to the left of me and lay my head on his chest . He wasnt fully awake but hugged me back . He pat my then stopped when he went back to dreamland .

I'm really scared ...
I'm scared of Jungkook .
I'm scared of the truth .


yoo . Sry for the kate update zz . U guise rly liked the previous chpt huh . Ik its very sexual heh .

U nasty . Don't sorry . A lil spoiler the next chpt wld be smtg like the previous one ;)

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