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"Hello,father,"I spoke nicely.

"Nice try.Downstairs after straightening up and don't try to climb out the window,"He said walking away.

I glared at Cindy,who told the whole neighborhood about what happened. She just smiled sheepishly and hid in the closet.

I sighed and kicked everyone out of the room except for Huey.

"I can't believe that he had to know what we did last night,"I groaned.

My afro boyfriend sat by me and rubbed my thigh.

"It's ok.Besides,it looks like he trusts you to make good decisions.That and he doesn't want you hurt anymore. He wants to end the pain you endured."

He kissed my cheek making me smile slightly.I snuggle in the crook of his neck.

"Well time to throw on that dress."

I got out of his embrace and raised an eyebrow.

"Sure,put on the dress that you ripped to pieces.Think harder to break the ice,Huey!"


Huey and I were sat on the couch.My father was across the table looking down on our figures and tapped his foot.Our supportive friends were peeking over the counter in the kitchen.

"When did you do it?"My dad asked straight up.

"...Last night."


"Yes sir,"Huey answered.

"Is she in pain?"

"No,just numb temporarily.But Huey knows next time to not go that pace."

"Did you treat treat my daughter with care?"


"What do you love about my baby girl?"

Huey was facing me and held my hands in his.

"She would make these videogame and anime references.Da'Monica would explain new theories from games like Undertale and Slenderman.Love the way she would laugh at anything.She is strong,funny, and very determined to do what is best for the people she loves. Da'Monica stood out to me since she wasn't like any of the girls I seen.In other words,I absolutely love everything about your daughter.She is the best."

I had tears pouring down my face.He had made me cry.

"Damn you,Huey!You made me cry!"

Huey chuckled as he wiped my tears.

"Da'Monica,what do you love about this man?"

This is gonna get difficult.Especially when I hiccup every once and a while.

"I love everything about him,father. Huey loved me and accepted me even though as was beyond repair.I love the way he tells his speeches and speak his mind.Huey isn't like those immature boys that would call me weird and unattractive.He actually sees me for who I am and not judge me by first hand.Doesn't mind my figure and hobbies,which are to write stories,watch anime,and play games.I have plenty more,but I don't want to talk about myself that much.I love Huey Freeman head to toe,mentally and physically."


"And if you try to break us up,I will have my regrets of letting you free from that curse,"I threatened in a dark tone.

"...I wasn't gonna break up you two up Da'Monica.But I will have a private talk with Huey alone."

I looked at Huey and he squeezed my hands.I nodded and went to the kitchen.My friends looked at me weirdly.I gave them a confused stare.

"And if you try to break us up,I will have my regrets of letting you free from that curse,"Caeser mimicked me.

"Oh shut up,"I groaned and laid my head on the counter.

"You love him that much,huh?Enough to do the deed and forget that you have other friend to hand out with?"Cindy asked.

I went to one of the drawers and grabbed a big butcher knife.

"Speaking of that,Cindy,who fault was it again that this morning had to happen?"I asked sweetly.

My very wide eyes,and smile were on display.That made all of them run.I mainly chased after the blonde.

"Come on,sweety.I promise to just start with your tongue."


Another Timeskip--------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Huey held me down from cutting out Cindy's tongue.

"Let me go-umph!"

He kissed me on the lips.I dropped the knife instantly and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Cindy's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

The bitch tried to kill me!Da'Monica had me cornered in with a knife in hand and a creepy expression.I felt my legs shake underneath me.Now I know how Riley feels.

Huey showed up out of nowhere and wrestled her to the bed and ended up holding her down by the wrists.

"Let me go-umph!"Huey interrupted her yell just by kissing her.

I moved slowly towards the door as Da'Monica was distracted,then hauled ass so fast.

Lesson learned:Don't yell out her business or you will get cut if Huey ain't around to stop her.


Well that was second place shortest of all the chapters.Anyway,still working on your reward for loving my story so damn much and commenting and voting...just thank you.If you are reading this,then your are the reason I grown to love writing stories from my best ones to the crappy ones.Thank you so damn much.By the way,please comment down below what do you think I am writing next.I want to see if you can get it write ;-)

(Get it?Write?Because I write?...I'll see my self out after this.)

Also,we are almost at the end of our journey with Huey Freeman and Da'Monica Winston and the rest of The Boondocks cast.That means that my OC will live on her own and I can be at peace with less ideas to come up in the middle of the night.In other words,waking me up just so I can put them on Wattpad or Fanfiction.net.

Well,any way,hope you enjoy this chapter and remember to comment your answers!Baaaai!

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