Birth Month (Videogame/Anime Characters) Part 3-3

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Cindy's POV----------------------
The gang and I had set up a party for Da'Monica at her house.Hiro,Caeser, and Jasmine went to Hiro's car and drove to her house for preparations.

That left only me, Da'Monica,and Huey.We went into Dragon Buffet and nobody was there.By the way,Huey made a plan to give her more hints that he likes her more than a friend.I hope and pray that the oblivious girl realizes that the one is by her all along.

Da'Monica was told by Huey to sit and wait for the food.She looked at him weirdly,but then shrugged it off and took a seat.

"I swear to you,you almost look like a husband to her,"I mumbled to him.

"What if I want to be?"He replied raising an eyebrow at me.

"Then you have to start with giving her hints and work your way up from there."

He nodded and got their food to the table two the table and went back to get something for them to drink. Only...

This nigga is trying to be slick.I see the way he only got one cup and two straws.Sappy ole boy.

I went to the table and seen Da'Monica blush and smile all lovingly at him.She took a sip of the drink and moaned.

"Oh Huey,how did you know that Barge is my favorite drink?"

"I had a gut feeling."

"You know,if we were dating,I would've fallen for you all over again."

Huey blushed and sat by her as he took a sip.I can't believe that Jasmine, Hiro,and Caeser left me to deal with this sappy shit.

I sat across from them and started eating when I stopped at the image of just one plate was across from me. Huey,you sly bastard...

"So,how are you liking your birthday so far,"I asked.

"The best one I ever had.I thank you for ever thinking about me and wanted to treat me to many things. But you didn't have to,cause all I ever wanted in my early birthdays and years was to have a family that understands me and accepts me for who I am.A family who stands by me in almost every situation.And I do. You two,Jasmine,Hiro,and Caeser.You are the family I wished for almost my whole life.For that I am happy about."

I ended up crying like a bitch while Huey smiled and hugged her around her waist.

"Oh no!Don't cry!Was it something I said?!"She said quickly.

I shook my head and said that I was alright.

"That was the most fucking beautiful speech I ever heard!" Someone cried in the bathroom.

After my cry fest,we talked... Well mostly Da'Monica.She talked about theories on how Undertale is related to black history.Like how the monsters are trapped underground like the underground railroad.Or the Civil War.Huey is not even hiding the fact that he's staring at her,so I lightly kicked his leg and got his attention.

I signaled that he is being obvious.He just shrugged and continued looking at her.

"That reminds me,Huey can you get me extra shrimp?"Da'Monica asked nicely facing him.

He nodded and went to the cafeteria.

"Cindy,I'm starting to know what you mean by Huey being in love with me. He's not hiding the fact that he's staring."

"You mean..,"I trailed off.

"Yes,Cindy.I love Huey as a lover.My feelings for him got bigger and I could say many positive things about him. His eyes focused on me.His tension relaxed when he's around me.I felt like we have a connection that more greater than anything else...
Well other than with Jesus.I love that giant floof ball."

I stood up and walked out the restaurant and yelled to the skies.


A group formed around me looking at me weirdly.

"The fuck you lookin at?"

When everyone left,I had called Jasmine to tell her the good news.

Da'Monica's POV----------------------

Huey and I heard Cindy yelled outside the restaurant.I am having a good idea what it was about.

I feel my face burn as I remind myself what I said about Huey.

"What's​ that about?"

"Nothing,Huey.Cindy just wants to get out her feelings."

He sat down beside me and held my one hand while the other put shrimps in my mouth.

He would occasionally let go of my hand and rub my thigh in circles.I kept pushing his hand away saying that I am ticklish there.He chuckles as he continued his attempts.I became too tired to do anymore and leaned back stuffed as a turkey.

He smirked at my forfeit and rub my thigh.I squirmed under his touch.Not because it tickles.

It made me feel weird yet sensational at the lower half of my body.I giggled at the feeling and couldn't want anymore than this moment.Sadly, Cindy said that it is time to get to the house.It is 7:00 pm and the sun was going below the horizon.

When we drove to my house,I noticed that the house is dark,except for some porch lights on.

"Cindy,where is the rest?I thought that Jasmine and the others will be here,"I questioned.

She shrugged and looked anywhere but at me.

Yep something's up...

I made an act to open my door.When I turned on the light by me...

I was shocked when a bunch of people jumped from their hiding places.They seem to have gotten the memo,cause some wore Naruto costumes.Someone dressed as Jak from Jak and Daxter.I saw cosplayers of Black Butler,the Seven Deadly Sins,Yuri on Ice.

Even Free...
With the people in swimsuits.

Yes...With trunks...

I couldn't help but think that I walked in an anime and videogame strip club.
I smiled and hugged Cindy and Huey.

Jasmine,Micheal,and Hiro came out toward me.I ran toward them and jumped on the all in my death hug.

"Thank you,thank you,thank you..."I yelled.

"Your welcome, Da'Monica.You deserve it,"Hiro said patting my head.

"In that case,everybody sing this birthday girl the song."

I hid my red face in Huey's chest and peek any once and a while.
I want to cry so bad.

After the people are done singing, tears came out my eyes and Huey had to wipe them.

"Now that we got that out the way and didn't want you to have anymore tears,let's start this party!!"Jasmine screeched.

Everybody yelled in happiness and turned on some ghetto music.

"Man you done it now,Jasmine.Just know that you did this to me!"I yelled and gone to the dance floor.

There will be a part 4 to finalize Da'Monica's birthday.Don't panic.

Sora:And enjoy!

Where did you come from?!


*Shrugged back*Eh.Me either.

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