The Definition of a BS Bitch

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Jasmine's POV

I woke up to Cindy and Riley spooning making me turn to Hiro,who has his arms wrapped around my waist.I blushed a bright red and slowly removed his arms.While getting up,I noticed that Da'Monica and Huey were not in the room with us.

"I wonder where are they?"I mumbled.
"I don't.Five dollars said that they are hitting each other up upstairs,"Caeser dared.
"Ten dollars said that they aren't," Riley replied.
"I say they are just sleeping and cuddling,"Cindy shrugged.

While everyone is betting under the volume,I snuck upstairs and checked the cracked door.It opened slowly to reveal Da'Monica and Huey sleeping while cuddling.

Her head is buried in his chest.One of Huey's hands was on her back while the other one was around her waist. Their legs were tangled in many ways on their faces were like calm angels. And most surprisingly of all,Huey was showing a tranquil smile.And so is Da'Monica.

I almost squealed,but resisted the urge and took out my phone.

I took plenty of pictures and in different angles and zoom ins and outs.They look so cute together.Its like they are meant to be.

I was about to take another picture till I saw some heads poking out of the doorway silently.I waved them over and they surrounded the bed.

"Aw, even though that's gay,that's cute as hell,"Riley smiled.
"I know.I found them like this,"I whispered proudly.
"Did you take some pictures?"Cindy asked.
I nodded.
The group took out their cameras and snapped some photos the same way I did.
By the time we were done, Da'Monica seem to have moved a bit.Everyone dropped to the floor and stood still.I just decided to hide in the closet with the door cracked.The girls hair was out of the bun and her hair seemed way longer than I expected.

She sat up and looked around.After a few seconds,she shrugged and put her head back in her place on Huey's chest.I waited for a few minutes till I heard her lightly snore.I poked my head out and signed to everyone that the close is clear.They got up and hurriedly left the room before they get busted.

Before I left to the family room,I snapped one more picture and walked away.

Da'Monica's POV----------------------

I felt warmth.I cuddled closer to it.I feel safe mentally and physically. I heard a rumble and something pulled me even closer to the point where my whole body touched the object.

What happened?

My brain responded by making me relive the memory.One tear slipped from my eyes.

It's been a very long time since anyone comfort me;Huey don't want to use words,but rather action...
Hold the hell up!If he had left the room,then what am I hugging?I always hug my pillow since I don't have any stuffed toys during childhood,but a pillow doesn't have legs.

This one does.

I opened one eye to see a chest.I slowly backed my head away and looked up to see Huey's sleeping face close to mine.My eyes widened and I panicked.

My first reaction was jumping out of the bed on my ass and on the floor.

"My fat ass!It hurts!"I screamed whimpering waking up the sleeping boy.

I rubbed my sore bottom and maroon eyes stare at me with concern.I gave a mental note to not fall on my ass again.

"I'm OK Huey.A little sore but OK."

He nodded and got off the bed to help me up.He held his hand out and I grabbed it as he pulled me to my feet.

"Where are the others?"I asked.

"Probably downstairs,why?"

"I need to cook them breakfast.Don't we have school today?"

"Today is Friday,I think?"

I went to my bags and pulled out my white Friday shirt,black slacks,white tennis shoes,and schoolbag.

"Your hair is extremely long,why don't you leave it down?"He asked.

"...How do you know how long my hair is?"I gasped.

"Your hair is undone from your bun."

"Shit! Probably came out of it while sleeping,"I scolded my self.

I shooed the afro boy out of my room and got ready for Hell-I meant school.


The group and I had already met at the front of the school.Everybody except Huey seemed out of place.As if they are hiding something.
Riley doesn't say cuss words like a sailor.
Cindy always conversate with Hiro more than Riley and would continuously look at their phones.
Jasmine is nowhere near Huey and stood in the back of the group.
Hiro would laugh none stop.
Caeser was nowhere to be found after entering the school.
While walking to the library,some black, Chinese girl decided to come up to Huey and flirt with him.
The boy didn't look to pleased to see her in shorts that show her ass,a shirt that shows almost her whole rack,and shoes that make you think that she is a Lady Gaga wanna be.

Huey clearly needed my help and everyone is glaring at her.So me being the good person I am decided to step in.

"Huey,you promised to show me the gameplay about Grand Theft Auto!If you want to have a partner in crime,you gonna have to keep your promise,"I said fake pouting with my eyes all shiny and shit.

This bitch decided to turn to me,look me up and down,and said,"Hmph,a nerd.Who the hell are you?"

The ghetto side of me wanted to come out.It hadn't in a while and it's itching to do so now,but I didn't let it and smiled a creepy ass smile.

"Da'Monica.And you are?"


"Ming,you remind me of a now enemy. Her name was Ug Lee,"I said oh so sweetly making her smirk slightly falter.

"And you remind me of a bitch who doesn't know her place.Her name was Basic Bitch."

"Hey,right back at ya!"I cheered.

Everyone was seeing this as a word fight,so I kept my very wide smile on and said,"Now,if you'll excuse me,Huey got some real business along with real friends who don't want prostitutes that look like Keira from Jak and Daxter 2.Bye Ming!"

I hauled ass with Huey and the rest in tow and entered in the library and scolded him.

"Huey,I know she must be your girlfriend or somethin but you need to stand up for yourself.She is not labeled as a BS Bitch for nothing,"I said in a very serious tone while the smile that I had is no more.

All is silent except when Cindy asked the one question.

"What is a BS Bitch?"

"A bitch that Bullshits everyone or even herself."

"Huh?"They all asked making me do Karkat's facepalm combo.

"OK take Huey's afro for example.I say that Micheal Jackson's afro is bigger than his.That makes me a BS Bitch at the moment."

"So...Says someone says that I am gay. That makes that someone..."

I nodded to answer his example.

I have so much to teach them.

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