Lesson #1

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I told the group to meet me in my house;I even gave them the address.

Across from Huey's house.Close enough right?

I took a shower and put on some black boots with white tights,a black triforce shirt,white combat gloves, diamond studs,and my hair under my green hat.

I had KSI ft JME Keep Up on full blast on my Poloroid speakers while throwing down in the kitchen.A knock is heard on the front door.

I walked toward it and opened it to see the group looking at me as if I'm crazy.

"Can you keep up,ya'll?"

All they did was nodded.I nodded back and let them in while finishing my business.When I came back to the living room,I served some fried chicken,fries,strawberry shakes,and broccoli casserole.

Everybody's mouth except Huey's were watering.

When I put the platter down,I didn't had time to pull my hand back.They started attacking it.

"God damn.Y'all don't need to attack the food.It ain't gonna disappear off the plate!"I screamed falling forward.

A pair of hands caught me from hitting the table.I looked up to meet familiar maroon eyes.

"Thank you Huey,they're about to make me have a coma for a few days."

He nodded and let me go.My face feels hot;am I getting a fever in the summer time?

When I stared at him,I notice that he has a little pink on his cheeks.

Ain't he too dark for that?

Not only that,but he's also not eating.

"Why are you not eating?If you are worried that I poisoned it,I assure you I didn't."

"I don't eat meat,"Huey deadpanned.

I nodded and led him to the kitchen to cook him something.

"Do you like mushrooms?"


Like last time,I stopped cutting the lettuce and looked at him like he's an alien from another planet.

"Man these people are gonna make me have a stroke,I swear,"I laughed getting out whole mushrooms out the refrigerator.

I put them down in front of Huey and said a motion with my hands for him to go ahead and inspect them further.

While he did that,I was done with the lettuce and and dresses it up with blue cheese dressing and pepper jack cheese.Then I took the mushrooms and diced them.

While cooking them,I saw Jasmine come in and attach to Huey like a leech.

"Whatcha doin'?"
"Cookin' Saizo something since he doesn't eat meat."

I noticed what I called him and stuttered for a counter answer,but nothing came to mind.Both of them looked at me weird when I said the wrong.

Don't blame me for remembering four afro guys at once!

I quickly served his salad and and went to the family room where the platter was cleared.I looked at all of them in question with an eyebrow raised.

"Huey and Jasmine made us starve, cuz they said it's not nice to eat before the lesson,"the one with the cornrows said.

I once again smiled only for my muscle to be sore and retract from doing it.This is what happens if you want to smile all of a sudden.

"Y'all don't have to do that.I wouldn't mind if you ate before coming here,"I shrugged.

"Anyway,what about anime?"Cindy asked.

I sighed in content even though it didn't show on my face.

"Some anime originated from videogames or vice versa.Such as Bayonetta,Devil May Cry,Final Fantasy,and so much more that I may not know about.So,today we are gonna watch the trailer of Bayonetta, cuz she is fine as fuck and she is my crush in case I turned bi.So far,I am still straight and my crush is Vergil from Devil May Cry...I am getting off topic aren't I?"I stopped myself before going any further.

They shook their heads.While only Huey nodded and glared at everybody else.

"I am indeed,so I'm just gonna show this video on my laptop and hope you enjoy."

I sat my laptop on the table and started the video.

After finishing it,everyone is at awe the same way I was when I watched it. Huey looked quite interested in it, which says something.

"So,videogame on XBOX360?"

"Hell yeah!!!"Everyone yelled.


"This game...Is beautiful."Hiro said.
"Why the hell didn't I know about that?"Cindy asked.
"This game is better than Grand Theft Auto.The fuck?!"Riley said with his jaw dropping.
"This game is amazing!"Jasmine shouted.

"I know,I know.That game is mind blowing,but need y'all to-
Too fucking late y'all ruined the gauge."

"The gauge?"

"If you don't get hit and deal some damage to the enemies,then you can fill that purple bar at the top and do a special attack,"I explained.

"Then why didn't you say something, nigga?"Riley screamed over the battle.

"You said so yourself,"I didn't need your help.""I mimicked,which wasn't that hard when he sounds like Cardi B.

"Well,you know I was just kidding.I don't play this kind of shit."

"Riley,I saw you playing Lollipop Chainsaw last week,"Huey fired.

"Anyway, just dodge when you need to."


"By pressing the R2 button."

"What R2 button?"

They all groaned and I yelled,"OH MY GOD!" while falling back on Huey's chest.

"You know how to play Lollipop Chainsaw,but you don't know to fucking dodge?!"Cindy screamed.

"Get the fuck out of here with that BS and give me that damn controller,"I snatched that controller and continued playing in Riley's stead.


We were sleepy and quitted the game.Cindy and Riley slept on the couch.Hiro and Jasmine are on the love seat.Huey is sleeping on the floor. I am also sleeping on the floor,only a foot away from Huey.

"Goodnight guys,"I yawned.
"Goodnight Da'Monica,"They yawned back.

For a few hours,I couldn't sleep,so I quietly got up and went to my room.

I sat on my bed and thought about how my day went.I made some aquantinces and if this continues,maybe even my friends.A sigh came from my mouth.I smile only to strain my mouth muscles and retract from doing it.I growled out of frustration.

"Why can't I smile?"I sniffled.

One tear slipped from my eyes and many more came out.Ever since my mother and grandmother died,so did my will to smile.

I felt arms wrap around me,the warmth had hit me like a hurricane. And when I looked in the maroon eyes of the afro boy,my perseverance to stop crying left me.I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder.

He didn't need any words to console me,just actions.I need more people like him in my life.
I cried myself in the arms of an important person and blissful warmth.

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