Respect With A Little Umph

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The next day,I sat in the office with my black,baggy pants;black hoodie with FNAF characters on it;black makeup;black sneakers,and my hair up in a bun to hide my really long hair.Mainly,I am waiting on Huey to escort me like yesterday.

While trapping him,I am going to ask him straight up...
What the hell is his boggle?(If you knew where this came from,you are the love of my life.)

Huey went through the glass door,and greeted me.Then he took me to our class.I sat at the same seat yesterday.

Only Huey sits away from his group...
And sits next to me.And to top it off, Mr.Johnson finalized our assigned seats,which is where we sit.

I looked up toward the ceiling,mentally asking Jesus why does my anti-social streak has to be half way broken.I was reading my stories on my phone,and proof reading them.Everytime I feel eyes on me,I would look around and meet no one's eyes and go back to my phone.

I felt that feeling again,and looked beside me to have macaroon eyes stare into mine.Why is this boy looking at me?And to top it off,I don't know what's he thinking behind that blank mask.

It seemed that everyone disappeared in the room.Only me and the afro boy exist.I don't know what to do anymore.My hormones is kicking in, and I started to think some... Inappropriate thoughts at the moment.Why do I have to have a perverted mind already?

"W-why are you st-staring at me?"I stuttered.

...Why do I feel my heart tightened? What kind of BS is this?

"How did you know it was me?"He asked in that deep voice.

I looked behind me and under the desk.I know this stupid ass donkey didn't just asked me this.

"Dude.Afro Boy.Huey.Stupido bastardo.I looked up to meet your face.You tell me,"I questioned resting my head on my fist while tapping my foot.

"I'm studying you.You are... Interesting."

I blinked so many times that I can take flight more better than them bitches that wear big ass eyelashes.

"Um...And how am interesting?"

"I had never met a girl with an attitude like yours."

"Well thank you.I tend to be special in a negative way in people's mind,"I growled turning away from him.

The boy was silent after that till he said something that shocked me to no end and instantly makes me respect to him.

"I am not like those people that you had to deal with.I actually like your personality."

I smiled for the first time in years.I cringed at the how my mouth muscles stretched.I moved my hand to my cheeks and tried to massage it.

"First time smiling?"

I nodded and blushed in embarrassment.

"I don't bite,well... not that I'm aware of,"He smirked for one second then back to his blank expression.

I feel my cheeks getting hotter by every word that he says.

This is gonna be a long day.


Today,I hate to say this,but I need to try my hand at the cafeteria food.

Even though I'm having a feeling that I won't like what I shove in my mouth.

After getting the food from the cafeteria lady,I sat in the rear of the auditorium and looked at the portions of food I have infront of me.

Two chicken wings,a stiff piece of bread,hot string beans that looked cooked,and some fruit jello.

Just the Way You Are (Huey Love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя