Miss You to Death

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Da'Monica's POV------------------------------------------------------>

"Finally,back to Maryland.I hope nothing bad happened while I was gone."

After many trials and errors,I found the temple.I had to persuade a few monks to help me get rid of the spirit in the jar and collect sacred things to prepare the ritual,but I fought through it.The spirit is finally gone forever and won't haunt my family anymore.Though,what the monks said kinda bothered me a little.

"You're Nariko's ancestor,right?Aren't you gonna die because you used the sword?It was said to drain the wielder's life,so to think you are still alive surprised me!"

I thought about that over and over.He has a point.I felt it drain my life force while using it,but I didn't die.

"You probably have a lot of willpower in you to live!Some either died or gave up the sword."

I didn't know what to make of this sudden discovery.This shocked me.I forgot what to do with the sword.Do I keep it hidden?Do I get rid of it?I have many choices,yet some have consequences.

I got off the plane and ran toward the exit of the airport.I carried all of my souvineers and supplies with me.I called for a taxi and drove to Woodcrest.I walked the rest of the way.After all,I am carrying two bags.Both of them had wheels so I just pulled one on each hand.Many people looked at me weirdly.

"I knew I should've changed out of my cheongsam,but no.I wanted to be comfortable for when I visit my family."

I wanted to surprise them just by popping up out of nowhere...starting with my boyfriend,Huey.I called no one to let them know I am here,so this will be a piece of cake.

Or...at least that's what I thought.

I saw Huey and Riley's house.I walked faster and stopped at the door.I looked around and notice that no car was in sight.I found that odd,but I shrugged it off and unlocked the door quietly.I looked in the house.This house looked and sounded deserted.Almost.I heard a meow on the second floor.

"They are keeping cats in the house now?What else changed while I was gone?"

I placed my luggage on the couch and closed the door while locking it.I walked upstairs and heard small pitter-patters of feet,and it is coming from Huey's room.It is obvious since it is the only door opened.I took a peak inside and was very shocked of my findings.

Huey was in the bed sleeping with my Mangle Hoodie,Sans costume,Nariko costume,and the dress I wore on our date.Ciel and Sebastian were sleeping at his sides.This is the most creepy yet cutest sights I had ever seen.He missed me that much?Well,I can't judge him.

After all,I did bring Huey's jacket with me...and maybe his Foxy Hoodie.

I silently took out my phone and took a picture.No flash nor sound thank the Lord.

"I better leave him to his sleep.Who knows how long he worried to the point where he stayed up?"I whispered noticing bags under his eyes.

I bent down and rubbed his cheek.He laid on it more.He suddenly grabbed my wrist.I gasped as he opened his eyes.At first he glared at me,then after a while,he smiled at me.He must really miss me if he smiles like that now.I smiled in return.

"Hello,Huey.Did you miss me this much?"

Huey blushed and nodded.I giggled at this as I snatched the clothing from underneath him.Ciel and Sebastian woke up and jumped on me licking my face.I chuckled and had hugged them.

"Hello,Ciel and Sebastian.Did you miss me too?"

They meowed and rubbed there furry faces in my neck.Then they jumped out of my arms and went downstairs.I looked at Huey as he stared at me.I got up and walked up to his bed and climbed on it as spreaded my arms.

"Come on,Huey.You know you want to."


I sighed,"I promise to not leave to do things by myself unless you are with me,better?"

He jumped on me and it landed me on my back.He held down my wrist.I don't like this at all.

"It's somewhat about that,but why you have on a cheongsam?"He said emotionlessly.

Oh boy.

"I wanted to surprise you and be comfortable at the same time,why?"I asked,though I am having a strong feeling I already know the answer.

"Did other people see you in it?"

"Of course people are gonna see me in it.I had even got changed into this and got off the plane. Besides,I am not looking for people's opinion.I am looking for yours in particular."

Huey was raised one of his perfect eyebrows and looked up and down at my outfit.I know this is very risky business,but even in combat,he is stronger than me.He looked at me even more...my dress to be more precise.

"Da'Monica...how much do you like this dress?"Huey asked.

"Equivalent to,uh...hot buffalo wings."

"And how much does it cost?"

"About twenty dollars in the U.S."

"Would you miss it if it was...let's say...ruined?"

"Depends if I don't stretch it out."

He had put both of my wrists in his right hand and felt me with the left.He slowly went up and down with his pointer finger.At some point,he decided to hook a finger to where my chest was showing.He tugged at it as I squealed.He unhooked his finger and rubbed down my left side.Then he leaned down and kissed me.I kissed back very hungrily.I was so focused on his lips that I didn't noticed what he was doing.That is...

Until I felt a big tug and heard a huge rip.

I gasped and looked down to see the front of the dress in ruins showing my bra and a bit of my panties.

"Huey!What the hell is wrong with you?!This is a spe-!"

He interrupted me by kissing me again,only more deeper.I struggled a bit,but he held on.I whimpered in the kiss.He backed away.

"I'm sorry,I held on for so long.I can't anymore,"Huey growled.

Oh boy.Oh God.Oh Christ all mighty.

"Huey,what are you talking about?"I asked nervously.

I feel so dumb that I don't know he was talking about.I feel like an old geyser.

"I don't want to pounce on you and devour you."

"...but you did that the first two times,remember?"

"Yeah,but those are foreplays.I am talking about all the way.Having to...do it."

"...Oh.Still,that is no exuse for ruining my dress.After visiting you,it was going in my closet!"

Huey chuckled very darkly as he massaged my right boob.I moaned without control.

"Still on about it?Well,I wouldn't worry about your cheongsam.After all,there is a much more valuable thing that I aim to ruin next."

I gulped as squeezed my thighs shut.

I drew the pic.Like it?
I don't know whether to do an actual lemon...or just skip it and continue.So...my favorite troll of romance,Karkat Vantas will decide for me.


You are the embodiment of romance,who wouldn't call for your advice?


Anyway,duces and hope you enjoy!

KV:WAI-!*cuts off*

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