Birth month(Fnaf day) Part 1

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Da'Monica POV----------------------

Ever since this last week of September,my friends didn't visit me after school.The next day,they avoided my presence,which kinda hurt.I knew I would be nothing to them,but I went along with their lies anyway.

They don't even visit my free hour.

Also,Ming kept messing with me along with her posies:

Brit,the "blackest,baddest bitch in Woodcrest."

And Hoery,the gossip and rumor spreader of the school.Also the second place slut.

I am tired of them.Recently,they had spreader a rumor saying that I'm a slut and suck dick.

Everytime a person asks if it's true,I retarded with either:
"They were probably looking in the mirror if they said that."
"If there is solid evidence that you found YOURSELF,then it must be."

I'm fine with it though,just as long as they don't try something physical.

October 3rd--->

The next following week,it was the same,only my so called friends didn't show up like usual.They must be sick.

Oh well,I hope they burn in hell.

I heard a commotion outside and I didn't want to be a part of it.I was about to get the fuck out,till a familiar afro poked out of the horizon.And along with some other shadows.When they walked toward me I was shocked by what they were wearing.
Are they wearing?...No.They wouldn't wear...
They're too gangster for that.They're...

Wearing FNAF hoodies?!When they came close enough,I seen which character is who.

Wearing FNAF hoodies?!When they came close enough,I seen which character is who

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