Family Wars Pt.2

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Da'Monica's POV----------------------
My father stood before my raging form as if he had won a trophy and then made a move.

He ran towards me with the sword that Cindy gave me.I dodged it and strikes him on the cheek.The man yelped and staggered and gave away his stance.I took the chance to trip him;when he fell on his back,I pointed at it.

"Why can't you use the other sword?"

This triggered a flashback.

Nariko almost had defeated Lord Bohan's army,till something was forming on her hands and was building to the arms.

All while the leader's daughter screamed.Everyone was walking towards her,waiting to kill her. They didn't care about the cries to put the sword out of her hands.

She fell on the desert ground and laid there while the burning marks reached through her head to the point where she was dead.

With the Heavenly Sword by her side.
Flashback ended---------------------------

What if it ends my life just like that? No future,no other purpose than to die just by weilding the sword?That was why I was scared of holding the sacred sword.

I was scared of dying.

I looked behind into my father's eyes and noticed them changing color and emotion.From green to brown.From evil to concerned.

"Daughter...get away...while you can... Go!"

His voice was no longer so rough.It was normal and scared.His eyes were watering.This brought back the memories when he wasn't so evil...

"Father...what is this?"

"You...need to go...I am being...contr... Lord yourself."

Black smoke exited out of his back and went into his mouth.Then that same evil voice giggled.

"She said that someone by the name of Bohan possessed them."

Could it be the Bohan had possessed my dad all these years?And I was too dumb to realize that?

"What's wrong?Can't strike down your own father?"

I paused my actions for too long and he tripped me.He was about to choke me till I punched him in the throat. He coughed stuff.The smoke that is Lord Bohan's.I ran away and held my hand above the artifact.The man got up as he held the fake one.

'Am I strong enough to hold the Heavenly Sword?'

My hand touched the handle...and unsheathed it.I felt it's power surge around me and in me.My tattoos glowed white at the feel of it.

"Oh,that is so cute.You finally have the courage to actually handle a weapon.But,uh,here is the thing...I got the real one in my hands,so."

I stared into my father's soul emotionless.I can feel him warning me...begging me...pleading leave him to this demise that he created for himself.

'But despite it all,he is still family.And I will do anything that is necessary to help.'

I held my sword at him,wanting him to fight me.He laughed and held the duplicate back at me.

"You can't stop me.Your ancestors couldn't stop me in the past,so what makes you think you can?I am a god! This world is mine,and everything on it is mine!"

He attacked me.I dodged it and swunge the sword.I had cut his stomach,but not too deeply.He staggered and looked back at me in shock.I held my stone gaze and held my sword at him that now held some of his blood.The red substance had dropped to the ashened floor adding some color to the ground we're standing on.

'I will uplift my father from this cursed predicament...even if it means that I have to kill him...'

Huey's POV----------------------

I tried to search for my friends.I ran past a building,and a thump was heard from the inside.I held my hand gun in one hand as the other opened the door.Behind it was my friends tied up and gagged.

I ran to them and quickly unwrapped them all.

"Huey, Da'Monica's father is not the only one in on this,"Jasmine whispered scared.

"What do you mean 'not the only one'?"I questioned.

I dreaded the answer that they might give me.I was having a very good feeling who it is,but I was in denial.

Cindy sat up and said,"Ming ran us off the road and took us to her employer."

I stood up and walked out.

I want to find my ex.And when I do... She better hope she dies by someone else's hands.

I checked up Da'Monica to see her tattoos glowing along with the sword.

"Don't worry father,I am gonna save you from your prison."

As the fight continued,I notice someone on the roof of the house next to them.Then a few more heads popped up.

"Enough,I want you to entertain me. Show me how much you learned about mercy,"He said as he flew away.

People in Japanese clothing surrounded Da'Monica.And in front of her is Ming.

"You know,I am tired of people pushing my buttons.And Ming,all I have to say is that I hope you know what you got into when you mess with me so many times."

"I do.I just want to see it with my own eyes,"Ming snickered.

Ming snapped her fingers as twenty of her lackeys charged at Da'Monica.I was about to warn her till she jumped high.She turned her body head first and spun the sword,resulting in ten people losing their heads.She kicked herself in the air by kicking one of the bodies that stood.Five ladies jumped at Da'Monica in mid air,and she smirked.

Ming was shocked by the by the performance and bloodshed.My friends and I were too.

Da'Monica wrapped her legs around one of the female lackeys and had cut her head off.Then two of them tried to hit her only to get their ankles snatched and kick the lower region.

It made me be blessed that I am not one of those cheating men,or the ones that crossed her.

Yells can be heard from the leftovers before they were silenced.One by one.

By the time the gore was over,Ming was truly scared.I can feel her shakes from here.

The battle is now one on one.Da'monica vs Ming.I know Da'Monica can win this;I just prayed that my girlfriend doesn't get too cocky.
Sowwy about the two month delay. Something happened and I threw me off my game plan,but thank you for waiting and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.💙💙💚💚💖💖

Just the Way You Are (Huey Love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz