Can Love Grow?

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On a Sunday,I chilled at Huey and Riley's house.Jasmine was away with her parents.Cindy and Riley had some business to take care of.Caeser and and Hiro were studying something for school.So it left just Huey and me.

Huey and me.

Oh boy.

We were not officially in a relationship yet.Though I want to be. And I think he does also.

Everytime I think of that boy,I think of the time when we almost did the sex.

Great.Now I sound like Starfire.

My heart would pound in my ribcage and my cheeks would turn red.I see my reflection and I would shake my head and ask myself:
"Do I want to learn more about him before we make it official?"


"Do I care?"


This is what this love has done to me. I take more risks than robbing banks. And I either over think things,or I don't think at all.I wonder if Huey is like this ever since that kiss.

Huey came in the living room with two plates of strawberry ice cream with flaky biscuits.I clapped happily as he gave me a plate and sat down next to me with the other.

He turned on the TV and changed the channel to Nickelodeon.Winx Club was on and I was in the zone of watching it.

By the time the episode was over,we were finished with the meal and I was about to wash the dishes,but Huey stopped me.

"Huey,let me clean the dishes.You did all kinds of stuff for me.At least let me do something for you,"I reasoned.

"But you are my girlfriend and guest, so therefore,let me clean them."

I had put a hand over my chin and pretended to think it over.

"Fine.If you want to do the work,I ain't stopping you."

He chuckled as I gave him the plate and continued thinking about experiencing the kiss again.I want to, but I am a bit shy when it comes to the topic.

I heard the dishes being put in the sink,and Huey came back,and sat by me.I leaned on his shoulder and turned to a different channel.The food channel.

I mean this white dude travels around the world to try bizarre​ foods.You can't tell me that's not exciting.

I felt his chin on top of mine as I blushed.I nuzzled his chin wishing I could pay attention to the show.

"You like traveling?"Huey asked.

"Yep.And along with food,"I answered.

Huey stayed silent and he hugged me around my waist.I felt kinda uncomfortable knowing that I he is hugging a chubby girl that is a theorist.I couldn't help but feel insecure around hot guys,because I feel as if I'm not good enough.My so called father got rid of my self esteem long ago along with some other people.

"You're doubting yourself,ain't you?"

It was not even a question.More of a statement.

I looked down as my fingers tried to tangle themselves in a calm mess.

I felt his arms tighten around me as his head showed up in my sights.He kissed me on my lips making me freeze.

The familiar feeling of the heat and love came back.I became addicted to it now.I hesitantly kissed back;I don't want to lose control.

He kissed me harder and trapped me in between the couch and Huey.I was laying down on my back.He began to make me hot.I moaned on his closed lips,then something slick and muscle shot in my mouth.

I gasped as he deeply made me tongue tied.My arms wrapped around his neck pulling him more closely to me.

After he was done with my lips,he went for my neck.Huey's lips latched on it,and I moaned loudly.My body was reacting like a magnet.It wants to get as close to him as possible.

I heard a growl,and he gripped my hips tightly with his strong hands.

"Huey,we...We have to take it...Slow,"I moaned out.

Huey got up in an instant and tried to apologize.The thing is that I forgave him already.

"Anyway,I want to know if you want to go anywhere."

"Surprise me,"I smirked.

He went upstairs probably to get ready.I went to my house to quickly wear something that might impress him.

I found this in the closet and decided to wear it along with some small boots and some earrings.

(At the top)

I decided to not wear any makeup, because I want Huey to see my inner beauty.I came out when I saw the said man about to knock on my door.He looked shocked while I stood there wondering if I looked good.

"Huey,please say something.You are scaring me,"I mumbled.

Huey shook his head and hugged me.

"You look beautiful."

This made me smile with glee.He walked me to his car and drove somewhere.

"You're not going to kill me,are you?" I questioned.

He laughed and said no.That had put me at ease a little bit.I'm still anxious to know the surprise.

While driving, he would hold my hand every few minutes.And if we stop at traffic,he would kiss me on the lips on neck.He wants to calm me down,which is very sweet of him.

He also thinks that I was asleep since I closed my eyes and slouched my shoulders.

When the car stopped,it was like lightening struck through me.I sat up and snapped off my seatbelt.I was about to open the door till Huey opened it for me.I didn't even hear his door open.

I smiled and got out the black car.A red sign that said "China Flag" was infront of us.I guess Huey heard that I had always wanted to go there,but never had a chance to.

I kissed him on the cheek and giggled.
He had snuck his arm around my waist making me blush.We went in the restaurant and he had already made a reservation for us.I love him more than ever now.We sat by a window and looked at the moon.Huey said that he would be right back.

It took a while,but he came back with one big plate of seafood.I squealed quietly as Huey sat down,and we started eating for a while.We ate like  king and queen that night.He said that he already paid for it all,so we headed out.

When I thought that we were gonna go home,he said that we have somewhere else to be.I was wondering where we were going now.
He drove to a park,and the first one that I went for was the swings.I was laughing like I lost it all as I swung very high.Huey laughed along with me.I love his laugh.

We went home with smiles on our faces.I love everything about Huey, and I feel as if my love for him would grow to infinity.

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