Family Wars Pt.1

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Da'Monica's POV----------------------

The group and I decided to drive back to Maryland after my findings,so me and Huey packed up and headed out. Huey said that he paid for the hotel.

"I wish you didn't had to do that.Let me pay you back,"I begged as Huey drove.

"But you already paid me back,"He smirked.

It took me a while,but I finally deciphered what he meant.

"Huey...Don't ever do that again."

"That is not what I heard last night."

I looked at this boy and smirked evily.
He wanted to play like that,huh?

I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved my hand over his crotch,barely hovering over it.Huey looked at me with a glare,but I am going to get rid of that soon.

"Da'Monica,don't you-,"

Before he can finish his sentence,I grabbed him and gave a few squeezes, making him falter on the road and groaned.I smiled innocently at the road.

"Da'Monica,"He called slightly.

I unzipped his pants and grabbed his dick through his underwear.He hissed in response as he gripped the wheel tightly.

I continued this torture for a while till I knew he had enough and unbuttoned his pants.Then I pulled down the article of clothing with a little help from Huey.

I looked at the monster that is standing proudly in the air.Oh,am I gonna have fun with him.

Riley's POV----------------------

I was driving Cindy,Jasmine,Micheal, and Hiro back to Maryland.The ride was full of laughs.

"Cindy,do you see Huey and Da'Monica behind us?"Jasmine asked.

"Nope,Riley can you call them?"Cindy asked.

"Bitch,I'm driving!"I complained.

"Ugh,fine pussy,I'll do it."

We waited for a while till the phone started ringing.Then someone answered the phone.

"What's up?"

Huey sounded a bit... Hoarse.

"Are you ok,my man?You sound funny."

Keep in mind that the phone was on speaker,so we could hear everything.
I could've sworn that I heard someone gagging and humming.I also heard a few moans from the phone.

I stared at that phone shocked.This nigga...No he can't be...Could he?

"Huey?"I called.

"Da'Monica...A little more...Oh yeah... Deepthroat that shit."

I grabbed the phone,opened the window beside me,and threw it out. The van was so silent that if a nigga drove through here,he would think that it was haunted.

I am now...Forever scarred.And I bet the others were too.

"You do know that the phone you threw out the window was my phone, right?"Cindy asked breaking the silence.

"Get you own damn phone;you got money."

Huey's POV----------------------

I cannot believe that Da'Monica did that.And to top it off,I had let her.

"I think Riley heard us,"She commented.

Her lips were covered with my semen and some spilled down to her neck to her bosom.I want to take her on after what she did,but I was driving;I didn't want to rush it either.

We've been together for about a month now...About to be two if it wasn't for Ming.I wanted a future with her where there is me and Da'Monica in a normal house,in a normal neighborhood where we can be successful and safe enough to start a family. Da'Monica would be even more happy with me while she has little kids.I would come from work to get glomped by my children,who I will raise right.

My family,who I will raise right.

"Huey,what are you thinking about?"

The stop sign was on as I looked at my girlfriend who looked at me in curiosity.

"You and I in the future."

Da'Monica's​ cheeks turned red and her bronze eyes were wide.

"So you think about that too,huh?"

I was in shock as she smiled lovingly.

"I've always thought about how we get married...How we will live in a nice neighborhood...With kids running around.I always promised that if I had a family,they will have more good memories than me. Sure we will have bad ones,but the good will over rule them."

I nodded and grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.I felt her do the same thing to mine.

"I love you,Da'Monica,"I said kissing her cheek making her giggle.

"I love you too,Huey,"She said as she pecked me on the lips.

I stopped her from backing away and deeply kissed her.She accepted it and held my shirt.

"Huey,the light turned green a while ago,"She warned.

I cursed and continued driving.But not without holding my girl's hand.


We ran out of gas and now had to call our friends,but no one answered the phone. Da'Monica suspected that something must've happened to them. And I'm starting to think that too.

"Huey,this place reminds me of a battlefield when the war dies down."

"Seems like recently too.Dust is in the air.Blood on the ground is yet to dry."

We went into one house and found the same duffle bag that was in her ancestor's house.

"That is my bag."

She searched through and paused for a heartbeat.

"It has my stuff in here...someone kidnapped our friends and is looking for the sword...and by the looks of it,took the wrong one,"Da'Monica guessed.

My skin turned cold as she said this.If what she said is true,then they are in big trouble.

"We need to find them,"I said.

She nodded as she grabbed the bag and left while I followed her.Then she stopped moving.I looked over her shoulder to see another person in front of her.


"Oh daughter,so nice to see you.And who is this?Another person you have to control?"

"The only person that was controlled was me,but now I am free.And there is nothing you can do about it," Da'Monica growled out.

"And I am not controlled,I am her boyfriend,"I commented.

"Your boy toy?You are just like your mother, Da'Monica. Controlling, persuasive,always fake love to get what she wants."

Da'Monica glared angrily at him.

"My mother loved you.She did what a wife does.She had gone above her limit for you.She had took most of her work days off to spend time for us.She even had drove to Walnut Hill and died in a car accident just so I can graduate and get out of that hell hole. And you got the nerve to say that?!"

I wanted to pull her back before she does something,but I just ran away from the feud to find my friends.This is just between Da'Monica and her father.I just hopes she makes the right decision.

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