The One That Got Away

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I wonder what would it be like to know that someone out there can care for you rather than your own parents.


My mom died in a car accident when I was about to be at my school graduation.I remember so vividly how I reacted to her death when the principal told me.
...I couldn't feel anything.My hands dropped the diploma that gets me out of this horrible middle school year.I ran out of the school,into the bathrooms.I went into one of the stinky stalls and just rocked on the balls on my feet.

'Why can't I feel a thing?'I would ask my brain only to be answered in silence.

When I headed to the office,my father was sitting there,bent over and bawling.I want to console him,but I'm scared of him.You would too if you got knocked in the stomach by a yellow telephone book at you.I was in the second grade when that happened to me.I went from all happy and hopeful to just... depressed and bland.Students started to notice my change and started rumors that doesn't even make sense.That day had 75 of the school population bully me throughout elementary and middle school.

When my dad saw me,I saw a bit of hatred toward me in his brown eyes. He'd always have that look whenever I'm in his sights.I don't want him to hate me.I don't want anyone to hate me.He checked me out after I got my graduation over and done with.

However,when we went to our two story house,he started hitting me.I screamed for someone to help me,but no one came.I started to feel weak and passed out.From then on out,everyday, he would either physically or mentally abuse me.
I want to end most of the pain by my abusive father.I became very insecure and even stutter most of the time.I even started being a silent thug and robbed many banks.Not one have I missed one and not once did I get caught.

I couldn't work at a job,cause father want me home strictly at a certain time,so no other choice.

I thought about creating my own job, but then eventually, he's gonna find out and cancel it.

I am in my room,which only has a bed and closet, planning another heist.I have a lot of food that will not spoil in a short period of time and up to two hundered thousand dollars stored in a secret stash.

"Bank Corps,here I come,"I mumbled finally making up my mind.

I put on my black jumpsuit pants,grey hoodie,black boots,and my Slappy from Goosebumps mask and headed out.

My dad is currently working at McDonald's now, so perfect timing.

It took a little while to walk to the back of the corps,but I made it and started my plan.

Switch,check.Mask,check.People are running,check.Now my babies, Tramatizer and Tranquilizer...Did I carry them with me?-yep in my pockets.


The plan went off without a hitch like always and now,I am running from the popo.I ran more faster than Tails when Sonic.exe was chasing after him,so I eventually tricked them and now,got some money to busy my mind when I get home.

During my walk,I thought about how much I will miss LA.Despite things happening,it has culture and religion in it that I am familiar with.However,I am a tough girl,I'm sure I'll make it.

When the house came into my sights,I changed into my regular clothing and walked to it.I then opened the door to find it empty,which is good,it means that I still have time.

I quickly ran up stairs and put most of the stuff I have in my possession in a sports bag.I also have the money,my babies,and food in another bag.

I heard the front door unlock and a yell from a male voice.I quickly opened the window and ran from the place I use to call home.Where my memories turned sour.

I was the one that got away.

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