Chapter 51

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The days flew by with Maite and Lauren getting closer to one another. Before they knew it, it was time for Lauren and the other members for Fifth Harmony to head off to Mexico. After the concerts in Mexico, they'd be in Europe for an entire month. 

A month without Lauren and Maite seeing the other.

Maite had been working tirelessly on her album and just getting her name circulating around the business while Lauren had been practicing the dance routines with the girls who had come to Miami to rehearse for a week before they had to leave.

"I don't want you to leave," Maite whined as she clung onto Lauren's lean leg.

The Cuban had just finished packing up for suitcases after she had said goodbye to her family, and was trying to take her luggage to the car waiting for her outside. But a certain dark haired girl with puffy hair wasn't having it.

"I don't want to leave you," Lauren cooed as she reached down and caressed Maite's face, "But you have to let go of my leg, babe."

They had gotten used to calling each other cute nicknames like they had before, but they still hadn't made anything official.

"No," Maite huffed like a little kid and held on tighter.

She knew that a month without Lauren would feel like an entire lifetime. She wanted to visit her while she was on tour, but her schedule was so full so didn't think it was a possibility. 

"Come on," Lauren said softly, "We can FaceTime everyday and you know I'll be texting you pictures of everything."

Maite's face turned into a frown, "But you won't be here."

Lauren's heart dropped a bit. The Argentinean was adorable and leaving her was the last thing she wanted to do but she had to. Plus, maybe the distance would help them gather their thoughts about being together. If they could survive the distance then they could survive anything. 

And if they couldn't, then it wasn't meant to be.

"I'll bring you back souvenirs from everywhere I go," Lauren promised, hoping this would cheer Maite up.

She had to be the strong one here since she was used to leaving for months at a time. Without her there, Maite had no one physically there for her. It was going to be hard for the girl.

"No, te quiero aquí conmigo," Maite voiced, not letting go.

Since Lauren was fluent in Spanish, she had been helping Maite out since the Argentinean could understand it but not speak it properly.

"Baby, I know you want me here. I don't want to leave you, but it's only temporarily. We can get through this. It'll only make us stronger. Now, come on, release my leg please. The car is waiting," Lauren stated with a gentle voice as she continued to caress Maite's face.

Finally obeying, Maite slowly let go and used Lauren's outstretched arms to pull herself up.

She stood face to face with Lauren, trying to remember each detail: her thick eyebrows, her cupids bow on her pink plump lips, her studded nose piercing, and the many colors in her eyes. She got lost in her eyes many times a day. Every time she looked at them she felt like she saw another world. The green came in many different shades, sometimes they even looked a bit blue. And the hint of brown around her pupils just drove her crazy in the best way possible.

"You're beautiful," Maite breathed, "Insanely beautiful."

Lauren's lips curved up into a smile, "You are too."

"No, Lauren. I mean, everything about you is perfect. God must of taken a long time making you. Everything is perfect. Your voice and it's raspy but smoothness. Your laugh, I love it so much, I want it as my ringtone. Your face, not one imperfection. Your body, a masterpiece and I'd love to trace my hands over it all. And you, the intangible you. So sweet and smart. You're a genuine person, which is so rare. I love hearing you talk about the things your passionate about and hearing you talk about injustices in the world. I think you're the most amazing thing in this universe," Maite voiced, her tone soft as her eyes stayed on Lauren's.

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