Chapter 20

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Maite had fallen asleep before the plane had even taken off. She had tried her best to stay awake so she could talk to Lauren, but seeing how exhausted the other girl was, Lauren insisted that she get some sleep. The Cuban followed the others girls lead not too long after the plane took off as they headed towards their last stop in Brazil.

Upon landing, Maite had woken up from the plane bumping as it touched the ground. She rubbed her eyes as she yawned so intensely that it caused a small little squeak to leave her mouth.

Lauren had been awake for a while, the turbulence had woken her up. She had been hoping Maite would have woken up to so they could talk but the other girl was passed out. It was clear Maite had had a long day.

Maite looked at the window beside her only to be met with the dark night. Slight movement to her side caught her attention; Lauren had gotten up to retrieve her bag from the overhead compartment.

She stood up and stretched her legs and arms a little before getting out of the isle and grabbing her things from the compartment.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling noise came from her stomach and her face flushed with embarrassment.

Lauren's head snapped towards her direction, a slight smile playing on her lips, "you hungry?"

Maite bashfully nodded as she chewed on the inside of her cheek, it was a nervous habit she had.

A smile fully formed on Lauren's angelic face, "good, I've been craving french fries."

The plane ride had only been an hour long, typically the girls would drive from place to place in a tour bus but since they were in another country they decided it was best to fly rather than face problems on the road.

It was past midnight and everyone seemed to be more like zombies rather than functional human beings. There were bags under eyes, hands covering yawns, stiff walking, and messy hair from sleeping on the plane.

They carried their bags off the plane and into the airport. Lauren and Maite stuck side by side as they had meaningless conversations about anything and everything that popped into their heads. Even though they weren't talking about important matters, Maite still found herself intrigued with whatever Lauren had to say. At one point, suddenly filled with energy, they had begun to sing a rap song by the artist Nicki Minaj that they knew by heart. Maite knew she would always remember that moment. Her guards instantly fell around Lauren. She had almost forgotten that earlier that day she would have never let herself be this open with the Cuban girl, but a lot had changed since then.

"It's too damn late for you two to be this hyper," Dinah mumbled as she rolled her suitcase past the two singing girls.

Lauren shrugged her off, she didn't care. She was having fun.

After loading their things onto a bus they were renting for their remainder of their time in Brazil, they were on their way to the hotel. The light filled city drew Maite and Lauren's attention away from one another. Lauren had been in the city before, she knew what to expect. As for Maite, she was like a child in a candy shop, awing at buildings as they passed her by.

Her hands were gripping onto the seat beneath her from all the excitement. Then she felt something warm touch the side of her pinky. Her eyes casted down and saw a creamy, slim pinky with red nail polish pressing next to hers. Lauren felt the butterflies in her stomach going wild at the simple contact. The feeling doubled when Maite interlocked their two pinkies.

They both looked up, green, forest eyes met brown, chocolate ones. Shy smiles adorned both of their slightly flushed faces.

Maite looked out the window once more, contentment being the only thing she felt running through, well other than hunger, she was really hungry.

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