Chapter 25

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Maite went to bed that night with a wide smile on her face. She couldn't believe that Lauren was actually her girlfriend. She was living any fan's fantasy. From being a fan to actually being able to call her hers; It was unbelievable.

She rolled off her bunk and stretched. Looking across in front of her, she saw that Lauren's curtain was closed so she assumed the other girl must still be asleep.

They hadn't made their relationship known to the other girls, Maite was waiting for the okay from Lauren. If she was okay with it, then Maite would finally be able to hold Lauren's hand in public, or at least in front of their friends and family. She was excited.

Going public to the fans was a different story. Their privacy would basically be gone. Although, she didn't like keeping secrets from her fans. She imagines they would be unbelievably happy to learn that Lauren is into girls, it would confirm their suspicions. However, she thinks they would be upset that Lauren was dating Maite, they'd want Lauren to themselves.

Maite quickly took a shower on the bus and changed into jeans and a striped shirt.

She had an extra pep in her step. Usually, getting out of bed in the mornings was the hardest part of the day, but today she was excited to wake up, it meant she got to see Lauren.

Going back to see if Lauren was still in her bunk, she was saddened when she saw that the curtain was still closed. That girl could sleep.

Then she heard a small laugh coming from the bunk.

Her dark eyebrow rose and she called out, "Lauren?"

The curtain opened and she was greeted with a wide smile and bright green eyes. Her hair looked good, which surprised Maite because in the mornings the Argentinian looked like she had just got hit by a bus.

Her brown eyes took in the phone that Lauren had pressed against her ear and she mouthed and 'oh'.

"Sorry, I don't want to disturb you," Maite whispered and began backing away.

"Nonsense," Lauren said, waving her over, "I'm sure two people can fit in here."

Lauren moved over in the bunk and patted the spot next to her. It didn't take long for Maite to climb in next to her.

Lauren told whoever was on the phone that she'd see them later.

"Who was that?" Maite asked, resting her head on Lauren's chest.

She instantly felt soft lips press against her head.

"Lucy, they just got here and are on their way over from the airport now," Lauren explained

"I thought you were gonna pick them up?" Maite asked, curiously.

"I was, but our manager wouldn't allow me to because we'd have to send security with me and none of them are awake."

"Oh," Maite said not knowing what else to say.

"Sleep well?" Lauren asked after a few moments of silence.

Maite nodded, "like a baby. And you?"

"The same."

Maite smiled widely and tried to bury her head further on Lauren's chest even though they were as close as they could physically get.

Lauren let out a chuckle, "are you trying to motorboat me?"

Maite instantly lifted her head off the Cuban's chest and turned to look at her, panicking, she quickly said, "no! I swear I wasn't-"

"I was just teasing you, babe," Lauren said, chuckling at the expression of horror on her girlfriend's face.

"Babe?" A wide smile graced Maite's face.

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