Chapter 42

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The last of Maite's things had been packed in her suitcase and she sat down on the comfy hotel bed just thinking through how much her life had changed in the last few months.

Every night she had performed for thousands of people with signs holding her name and wearing T-shirts with her face on them. She got to travel parts of the world that she had only seen pictures of in magazines. Her fan base grew by over a million, which was a lot for a new artist with only one single out. She fell quickly in love with a gorgeous girl with magnificent green eyes that resemble forests, the softest black hair she had ever felt, and the sweetest lips on the planet. She got to try new, strange and sometimes disgusting foods. She fainted on stage in front of thousands of fans. Went to the Emergency Room and woke up to her new friends from Fifth Harmony. And got her heart broken without really knowing the reason why.

She felt like a new person, one that had experienced far more than the shy girl in Texas she once was. Her heart dropped at the thought of her leaving it all behind. 

Those experiences would be etched in her memory forever and she would remembered, many years from now, that this was how it all started.

There was a light knocking on the wooden door.

She got off the warm bed and opened the door, not at all surprised to see Dinah, Normani, Ally, and Camila there. The rest of crew had said goodbye to her at the surprise part the girls threw the night prior.

"I don't want you to leave," Dinah whined as she pulled Maite into a tight hug, "You're like the sister I never had."

"Dinah, you have sisters," Normani pointed out as her eyebrows scrunched up.

"Yeah," Dinah replied like it was obvious, "I know."

Maite chuckled, "You're like the sister I never had- I don't have siblings."

"Hey! What about me?" Camila pressed her lips and crossed her arms over her chest..

"You guys are all my family," Maite rephrased, rolling her eyes teasingly.

"That's better," Camila smiled and grabbed one of Maite's heavy, black suitcases, pulling as hard as she could to move it to the door.

The girls helped roll her suitcases to the awaiting yellow cab outside of the hotel. 

The warmth of summer instantly hit their skins as they lifted her things into the back of the car. 

It reminded Maite of being back home. If life hadn't turned out this way for her, she'd most likely be working in some little cafe or diner that was populated with high schoolers to save up money for college.

The girls had been silent, unsure of what to say. The sound of cars driving by and people talking in the distance filled their ears as they searched for words.

It's not that they didn't know what to say, just didn't know how to say it. They didn't know when they would be with each other again since everyone was going back to their homes. It's not that they wouldn't ever see each other again, of course they would. But it would be different. They would lose the closeness they shared with one another right now.

"Where's Lauren?" Maite blurted, hoping that the girl would show up and wish her a safe trip, but knowing deep down that it was a pointless want.

Ally twirled with her blonde hair in her hands awkwardly, "She, uh, locked herself in her hotel room."

"Oh," Maite pursed her lips not sure how to respond. Her stomach flipped but not in a good way. It was like she had lost all the air in her lungs.

"Lauren's just going through some internal...things. You know her. She hasn't been herself lately. Once she gets out of this, uh, little phase, then she'll for sure realize she has fucked up," Dinah voiced, as she leaned against the cab.

The Argentinean's hair moved side to side as she nodded her head. If only what Dinah was saying was true. 

But Maite had lost almost all hope that her and Lauren would have something again. The Cuban didn't seem to want anything to do with her. It was like Maite was just an annoying little kid who had a crush on their hot, older, neighbor who barely knew of the kids existence.

Her flight was leaving in about an hour and Maite decided she should head off the airport. Normally, she hated being early because she felt like it was time that she could be using to her benefit, but airports don't fuck around. If some freak accident happened and stalled traffic then she'd miss her flight, still be charged, and have to reschedule. Or the gate she was leaving from could change and she would have no clue.

Each girl gave Maite one last hug where they forced themselves to let go and wished the Argentinean a safe flight. 


Lauren's eyes slowly opened then immediately shut after they were exposed to the bright light peeking in through the curtains. 

"Fuck," she groaned, feeling her head throb and her eyes burn from the sun.

The memory of last night came back to her and another groaned escaped her lips.

After she had found out that Maite was leaving the tour for good, she had kind of lost her mind for a short period of time. She described it as an out of body experience, like physically she was there, but her soul had left.

Alcohol had been her knight in shinning armor. Except the only thing shinny about the alcohol was the way the bottles shone after she had polished them off.

Now, that it was morning and she wasn't being influenced by the alcohol, just feeling the after effects, she began to think clearly. 

Her waking up that morning was literally her wake up call. All of the things she had done in the past week came back to her. It was like watching a replay of your worst ideas ever on big screen.

"What the fuck have I done," she muttered, and throw her hands over her face.

She had pushed away the most beautiful human being she had ever met and for what? Fear of her sexuality? Fear of the reactions of others? Fear of what would change?

Her head shot up, instantly making the throbbing worse, Maite's flight was today.

Her eyes darted around the room in search of the bright red glowing numbers on digital clock. 

The numbers blinked 11:32 A.M.

She had no idea what time Maite's flight left, she had gotten a little too drunk a little too quickly to find out that important piece of information.

If there was one person who knew, then it had to be Camila. The two girls had basically been attached at the hip these last few days. Every time Lauren saw the them laughing together, her jaw would clench. Maite couldn't even stand to be in the same room with her anymore, but Lauren knew that was her fault and would be filled with guilt.

Her hands felt around the comfy bed with big white comforters. A hard small object hit her hand and she grasped it in her clutch. 

Her thumb pressed the button in the middle only for Lauren's worst nightmare to popped up.

The phone was dead.


Hey guys!! I'm sorry the chapters writing quality isn't very good. I write these all like midnight and I'm half awake but I also just forgot the most imporatn rule of writing, SHOW DON'T TELL! So i'm going to try to show more, idk if u know what that means but it's late and I need sleeppppp. So peace out. Also lemme know your thoughts. Do Lauren's actions make sense, cause I can't describe what she's going through fully cause I have an idea I'm going to work in to show lauren's thoughts. 


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