Chapter 48

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Maite had been sitting outside on the wooden steps that led up to her apartment when she saw a small black car roll up.

The window began to roll down, and revealed a woman with wavy black hair and light skin who shouted, "Get in loser! We're going shopping!"

Pushing herself up off the stairs, the Argentinean made her way over to the passenger side door, let herself in, and greeted the driver.

The AC had been blowing inside but once she got in, all windows were rolled down so they could enjoy a fresh breeze.

Hearing the click of her passengers seatbelt, Lauren began to pull off from the side of the road. Even though she had seen Maite not more than two hours ago, she still felt slightly nervous in her presence.

The Cuban was afraid she would ruin what they had again. And she really hoped what she had to tell Maite wouldn't do the trick.

Lauren had been having a lot of serious conversations in the last few days and it was getting exhausting. It was like she had to come out to everyone she knew. Straight people didn't understand the struggle.

"So, just a heads up," Lauren started as she drove on the highway feeling the wind hit her face, "Lucy will be at the barbecue."

She had tried to appear nonchalant so it wouldn't come off as a big deal to Maite.

And telling by Maite's response, it didn't work the way she wanted.

"Oh, well there's nothing to worry about," Maite stated, "It's not like we're together anyways."

Lauren's stomach felt like it took a hit. She figured that the statement was only meant to get some type of reaction from her. She knew that Maite wasn't fond of Lucy from the way that Lucy had treated her when she had visited Lauren on tour.

Sighing Lauren tried to remain calm, "Even if we aren't, you're the only one I want."

Maite tried to bite back her smile and decided it was better not to respond. She couldn't let Lauren off the hook so easily for what she had done. She had thought about how she had basically melted back into Lauren's arms just after a little argument and she was disappointed in herself.

All that pain she went through was made up through pink roses, a stuffed duck (which she found very cute and was going to use cuddle with at night), and a short argument.

When she thought of it like that, it didn't seem right.

But she knew it was more complicated than that.

Hearing Lauren's side of the story was proof of that.

Still, she felt like she had to have power in the situation. If Lauren wanted her as badly as she said she did, then she would have to prove it.

Which, in all honesty, Maite figured wouldn't take much since she was already head over heels for the green eyed goddess.

"You okay?" Lauren asked, casting a worried glance at the girl in the passenger seat.

Maite kept her eyes glued to the view out the window, "I'm fine."

Uh oh. When people said that they were "fine" they really weren't fine.

Lauren had no idea what to do. Maybe she should tell Lucy not to come, but that wouldn't be right. Lucy had been her best friend for many, many years and she didn't want that to change. Maite and her had to get along. Lucy was basically family to her and she knew that if the two got past their differences then all three of them would have a blast together.

"I know you're iffy about trusting me, so I guess I'll just have to show you how serious I am about us," Lauren declared as she pulled into her driveway.

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