Chapter 6

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On the way to Maite's apartment after the party, Dinah had noticed a change in the other girl. Maite's head was resting against the window, her eyes watching the dark city they drove through. Her face was void of any emotion. Her mood was completely different from when they had arrived. Maite had been so energetic and a little nervous, but nonetheless still happy. It was as if the girl in the car was a completely different person.

Clearing her throat a little and quickly looking over at the quiet girl beside her, Dinah asked, "are you okay?"

Maite jumped at hearing a voice. Recovering fast, she answered, "yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Dinah wasn't sure how to approach the situation. She hated when people she didn't know too well interrogated her and she imagined Maite wouldn't like it if she started doing it to her. On the other hand, she was concerned for the girl. She wanted her to know that she was there for her. Everyone needs someone to be able to vent to every once in a while and as far as she knew, Maite had no one. She had learned that Maite lived alone in a small apartment outside of the city. She had no family or close friends that lived in Miami. Dinah and her family were very close and always stayed connected, she couldn't imagine having no one to stand by her side. On tours some family members would accompany her or if they didn't, she'd call them up every day and talk to them. Although, she didn't know Maite's relationship with her family. The girl could talk to her mom or FaceTime her best friends and vent to them every day. But she didn't want to assume that right away because she could be wrong.

"You just seem a little down, I guess," she said, cautiously.

Maite shrugged, and kept her attention on the building that they were passing, "just a little tired." 

She even yawned to make it seem more believable. Although, she failed. Dinah didn't buy into it, but nodded anyways.

After a few minutes of silence Dinah spoke up once more, "you know, if you ever need someone to talk to or anything I'm here."

Maite was warmed by her saying that. She didn't have anyone she could vent to. Well, she had a few friends back home, but it wasn't the same as having someone in front of you. Someone who could understand you more because they were going through the same issues.

"Thank you," she replied, softly. 

She tore her gaze off of the window and smiled at her new friend. It was weird to have a friend who you looked up to growing up. Dinah felt the girl's gaze on her and she looked at her and shot her a smile.

"So, how did your drinks with Lauren go?" She asked, trying to lighten the mood. 

Her attempt seemed to have the opposite effect. Maite visibly stiffened for a second before relaxing back into her seat once more. Having seen Maite's reaction from the corner of her eye, Dinah regretted asking. She was about to change the subject when Maite spoke up.

"It was fine, better than expected."

"The drinks were better than you expected or Lauren was?" Dinah questioned.

"The drinks," Maite quickly answered, "it was my first time drinking."

Dinah's mouth formed an 'O' shape, "what'd you order?"

Maite thought for a second, "I'm not sure. I think it started with an 'M' maybe. Lauren ordered for us."

"Knowing Lauren, she probably ordered you both a Margarita," Dinah chuckled.

"Yes!" Maite nodded, remembering, "that was it, I think. It was tangy-ish, I couldn't taste the alcohol though, it was just like a fancy juice."

Dinah's eyebrow rose. Now that she thought about it, she noticed that Maite didn't seem at all drunk. She would expect someone who had their first alcoholic drink to at least seem a little bit tipsy. Maybe Maite had an abnormally high tolerance for alcohol, even though she had never had it before. She shrugged it off.

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