Chapter 27

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Lauren released Maite from her hug with one thing on her mind; finding Lucy. She couldn't grasp the fact that her best friend that she's known since she was little was acting this way. It was definitely out of character for the normally friendly girl.

As soon as Maite felt Lauren's arms leave her body, she missed the warmth. There was nothing in the world that could compare to the feeling of having the person you loved holding you on to you. Being wrapped around in Lauren's warmth and feeling her chest rise and fall as she pressed against her, it always gave the Argentinean a wave of butterflies in her stomach. She loved hugging her almost as much as she loved the girl. 

Maite froze a little at that thought. Did she love Lauren? She hated when Lauren wasn't around her. The Cuban was always on her mind. Her heart went crazy whenever she heard Lauren's giggle or saw her stunning green eyes. She could not imagine her life without the girl and she didn't want to either. She wanted her for the long haul. Whatever life threw her way she wanted to have Lauren with her through every step. 

 A small smile graced Maite's pink lips; She did love Lauren. 

"What are you thinking about?" Lauren asked, with an amused look on her face as she gazed at her girlfriend.

Maite wondered if she should tell Lauren. She quickly went over the pros and cons in her head. The pros were that Lauren could say it back and that they would be together forever. The cons were that Lauren might not say it back and break up with her. 

She decided that it was too big of a risk to take considering that she had just found out herself that she loved her and she really did not want to scare away Lauren. The heartbreak would be too much to handle. Plus, it was way too soon to confess her love. This was her first relationship and she didn't want to rush into things.

"I'm just happy," Maite said after a moment, still sporting the same smile. 

The Argentinian locked eyes with Lauren's green memorizing ones, "You make me really fucking happy."

"God," Lauren's cheeks involuntarily tinted pink, "Why do you have to be so fucking cute?"

A laugh escaped Maite's mouth, "I could ask you the same."

They stared at each for a moment, just enjoying the company of one  another's presence.

 Then they heard the clicking of shoes coming their way. Maite felt herself grow annoyed since her moment with Lauren was ruined. 

They both turned to see who was coming and weren't surprised to see Lucy heading their way.

"Lauren, the cab is almost here," the intruder said.

Lauren nodded, and glanced quickly at Maite, an idea forming in her head, "is everyone still here?"

"Yeah," Lucy paused, wondering why Lauren wanted to know, "I think they're all about to head out on the bus though."

"Perfect," Lauren smiled.

She grabbed onto Maite's wrist with a strong grip and pulled her quickly as she walked backstage where she knew everyone would be if they were still in the arena.

Lucy didn't hesitate to follow behind them. She wanted to know what Lauren was up to.

The Cuban's assumptions where everyone was located proved correct when she walked into the room and saw her band mates, most of her tour cast, and her friends gathering the last of their items.

The shorter girl, still with a tight grip cleared her throat loudly, which gained her a few looks.

"What are you doing, Lauren?" Maite asked, slightly nervous from the unexplained actions of her girlfriend. 

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