Linda hovers to the side and throws Paul a big thumb up and kisses Cat on the cheek. Abe, the big bruiser, is at the bottom of the stairs, Cat has probably got him on orders standing there in case she trips as she did when we had a run through the day before.

Before I can think straight Julian has the wedding march playing on the hifi and sure enough Cat grimaces, cringing in the spotlight cast upon her. I know she would have preferred something less wedding-y but she was voted down by everyone so I think she has a plan to get them all back at the reception later. 

I can't help smiling and she takes a quick look at me then becoming shy. Yep Cat is being shy, her eyes cast down watching every step she makes intently as she get to the last row of chairs; Then, as if a higher power possesses her, she brings her head up, high and proud capturing my eyes with hers.

This. Is. It.

Her dress is white and sheer, whimsical like a summer breeze, the beach inspired garment is simple yet beautiful, elegant and casual all at the same time. Flowers held in her trembling hands, frangipanis I'm told- my eyes rolled when the girls started on about flowers and colours and the like- Oh, and lily's too. Her hair looks so different to anything she has done before today, braids are woven with more tiny flowers and she looks hippy chic and beach ready, a happy summery vision... She is beside me and we smile again if that is even possible, as I'm sure we have been smiling the entire time.

She catches my hand in hers and was it this tiny before? Fragile, delicate soft although I can feel a few little drummers callouses, they are part of her, as pretty as the rest. Does she realise that my life is in those hand's. I think she holds my heart and doesn't even know the power she has sometimes.

Concentrate, the celebrant is speaking and my mind is everywhere but here listening to the spiel like I should be, I am trying to remember what I am going to say, practicing it silently in my head. Still smiling and looking into Cats eyes though she seems to know I'm not 100 percent focused and tugs my hand a little. I cover up my silent mantra well... I think.

Paul prods me in the side and a few start laughing, Cat too, smirking wildly at my missed cue.

"John the celebrant is waiting... we're all waiting" Paul whispers right by my ear and I swat him away causing Linda to stifle a laugh.

"Ummm yeah ok, right, hiya" Shit I stuffed this already, Cat smiles kindly and squeezes my hand tightly." Catlyn I offer you my heart, I offer you my soul, I give you everything from me to you" A cackle of laughter goes through the guests. Me reciting a Beatley song title always gets a giggle "Always. Forever. Together"

Done short, sweet, ok.

A bead of sweat trickles from my brow, down the side of my cheek and Cat wipes it away.

"Hiya" She has a little go at my foul up and everyone laughs, I squeeze her hand. Bloody cheeky girl

"What he said!"

She steps back and she's done. What the hell!?!?!!!

Everyone is laughing hard  even Mimi, and that's one hard lady to crack. Even Paul is leaning, hunched over, cracking up.

Keeping a straight face she has everyone believing, even me, that, those few words were her entire speech. I must have a mortified look on my face as Paul had a quick side glance at me and he's off yet again laughing away.

Then suddenly she steps away from me and faces the guests, waiting for the laughter to die down a tad.

"Hiya again. I couldn't resist it..." She smiles as she pauses then turns sideways on to face me. Oh, there is more... "John you have given me so much, a family, love, music. I was a shell, pretty much empty, and you filled it, overflowing it with love and warmth, happiness, with you....thank-you for embracing my flaws, my passions, my loves and my mistakes. This isn't one though! This is good, right and I can't wait to spend my life with you. John, I won't let you down, but I may keep you guessing and therein lies the fun- always a new adventure to share.... Always. Together. Forever" 

Though you're not supposed to clap most did and I hugged even though the celebrant looked like she was annoyed and in an extreme hurry to finish the nuptials.

As the 'Do you John and Do you Catlyn' and the right answers are said back and forth, they ring so true in my ears. We are near the finish line of the first step but ready to start a new story in life together.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!"

And I did.

Dipping Cat low and kissing her til she squirmed to come up for air, laughing at my over the top display.

The Tribute DrummerWhere stories live. Discover now