The Past Never Leaves Us

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Joseph POV

After Michael leaves, I make my way to my study upstairs. It's the only place I can think straight.

I look at the pictures on my desk. There's Michael and Jermaine back in Indiana, each holding a guitar. Another one has Janet as a baby, with Katherine smiling, holding her.

I look away. Sometimes I can't stand the sight of my family in those days. It brings me back to when I worked in the steel mills and never knew when I'd be laid off.

Every day it was beans with either bread or just spinach, depending on how okay my paycheck was.

I give a rattled breath, wiping my eyes. If my sons only understood why I'm so tough on them... they're fortunate and should learn to keep the money that they have, not end up like me in my 20s: black and poor already with a wife and children...

My mind drifts to Nicole. That sweet girl became my daughter-in-law just a few months ago.

I can tell she likes me. I think I love having her in my family, though I never would have admitted that to myself over a year ago.

The maids downstairs are going home. I watch them leave the driveway from my window. I'm glad--the house suffocates me whenever thirty or so people are here.

I regret snapping at Michael when he came, but I've always needed a firm hand when dealing with my children. Maybe I should call Nicole and tell her to tell him that I apologize.

But Joe Jackson never apologizes. How do you think he raised a family of superstars?

I feel content and blame-free once again and make my way down to the kitchen.

Katherine is gone to Indiana to visit her mother, thank God. I don't need her hanging around when my stupid bill collectors are calling.

They're not even bill collectors, goodness! They're my girlfriends, whom I hope Nicole doesn't know about because...well, she's my daughter in law. It's not because I want to make a good impression.

Especially when her own cousin is one of them. Geez, Sheila is so annoying. That brat thinks I'll sweep her off her feet and marry her...she really is dumb. Just like the others.

I don't believe that the Kennedy girls are a bunch of bimbos like Katherine, my dear sweet annoying wife believes. I don't even know why she bothers to judge them that harshly, I'm just glad Michael and his brothers aren't living under my roof anymore. Their business is their business.

And speaking of business, this is a tough industry, man! I have half a mind to take Connor Kennedy by the shoulders and shake him for all he's done to undermine my sanity. To top it all off, he gives me his daughter to remind me of his existence all day long.

I hate that man with a burning passion, but I need to suck it up just for Nicole. It's not her fault she has a deranged father.

I make myself a sandwich and go to watch midnight boxing. I'm just about to nod off when the phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask gruffly.

"Joseph?" Nicole's soft voice asks. My irritation subsides.

"Oh, Nicole, what's going on?"

"I didn't want to call you until Michael was sleeping." She pauses. "Katherine Wyman called."

I smack my forehead, gritting my teeth. "Did Michael hear?"

"No, he was at your house. She said you owe her $4,500."

"I know, Nicole, I know. Look, you're married to my son, so I can trust you, right?"

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