C H E A T E R , C H E A T E R, Y O U ' R E A C H E A T E R

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I walk downstairs, leaving Michael in the bedroom. The hall is recently stripped of its paintings, but the cheerful wallpaper is still there.

I swing by the doors to the pool and cut across the sunroom. Magazines, newspapers are littered everywhere. I roll my eyes as I make my way to the fridge.

There's cola, ice water, lemonade... I choose the Dr. Pepper. I get two glasses and fill them up, taking them on my return trip back upstairs.

I bump into Janet on the way.

"Oh, hey, I didn't know you were here?" she studies me. "Are you on your way to Michael?"


"Here... give this to him." It's an envelope, tightly sealed.

"Okay. Thanks."

"Alright. Tell him it's really important—from Joseph."

"Thanks, Janet." I go up. Michael's got his arm behind his head resting on a bunch of pillows and blankets.

"You got my drink? Thanks babe." He swigs it down.

Meanwhile, I sit on the edge of the bed, sipping mine.

"So what's that envelope about?"

"Huh? Oh, I think it's from Joseph. He's out in Cincinnati."

"What's he doing?"

"Oh, I don't know! The man's always traipsing 'cross half the US." Michael brushes it off.

I feel a nagging in the back of my head, even though I do not want to say a word. I feel like this is family business, but...

"So, have you ever met some of Joseph's friends?" I press on.

"I dunno." Michael shrugs his shoulders. "They mostly watch ball and play poker. The hell would I care?"

"Any women he particularly hangs with?" I ponder.

Michael's face gets ashy. "I know what you're getting to... it better not be that obvious." He decides now is the right time to rip open the letter.

I watch as Michael frowns then opens and closes his mouth. He flings the letter across the other side of the room.

I crawl across the bed to sit right by his side.

"What's the matter?"

"Joseph's telling me to tell Mother he needs more money out of their savings account. Oh, why can't he tell her himself?" Michael buries his face in his hands.

I pick up the letter and read. It's actually a fax. It's too stupid... I throw it on the floor again.

"Michael, you're gonna have to tell your mother what he wrote," I demand, standing in front of him and crossing my arms. "As well as what he's been doing all these years."

"Nicole, I can't just go to my mother and say her husband has been a chronic cheater all these years? That would just break her heart."

"Like it broke my aunt's heart when Joseph slept with my older cousin."

"Okay, we agreed never to mention that!"

"Yeah, well how do you think my family feels?" I retort back. "It would hurt for everyone and I feel ashamed about it. Mike, I know how you feel... it isn't a good feeling. And letting your mother fall for his lies longer and longer will just make it worse when she discovers this."

Mrs. Jackson walks through the door. We both gasp, our heads jerking up.

"I heard y'all yelling from downstairs. I hope you two aren't having a fight again."

"No, Mother, not at all. We were just, uh..." Michael looks shocked there.

I jump in and save the day. "We were just arguing, really, about one of those court cases I need to write a paper on. Michael's got a different opinion... Schenck v. US (1939)."

"Oh, I thought you were studying economics, Nicole?" Mrs. Jackson asks.

Friendly territory, ah. "Oh, yeah, but I'm also taking some government history classes. I do pretty well with history."

"Huh... well, you two keep it down. I don't want any of you pressing charges on each other." She closes the door.

I sit on the bed, almost crying with relief. Michael glares at me.

"Do you need to learn how to use an inside voice?"

"Don't start with me, Michael. You and I are in the same boat. We need to make sure no one knows what we know."

Michael runs his hand over his face. "Yeah, sweetheart. Just... let's just wait for things to flow on their own. I'm not willing to make this drama explode."

I grin, appreciative of him making me feel better. I climb back onto the bed.

"Thanks, Mike. I'll talk to Sheila... maybe I can convince her what she's doing is wrong."

"Yeah, but you're not going home yet."

"Yes, I do! It's 5. Dinner's at 6:30."

"Mm." Michael's not listening, but rather in my neck. I giggle as he kisses me.

"I need to go. Mom's gonna be mad."

"Ah... fine." Michael and I get down and he gets his coat. "Let's go."

I say good-bye to Janet and Katherine. The weather's much warmer, the air aromatic with flowers and all...

Michael takes my hands and spins me around in the garden. I giggle until he draws my face to his. 

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